New Release - The Navigator of Awe ❄

Didn’t you listen to Armor?


Ah sorry, wrong thread. I don’t have this audio but saw @GoddessesAndGod testimony and reminded me of write my own.

I got the armor of light and glory tag, intercession.


So Captain and the extra hidden goodies in his audios for us to discover lol :smirk:

I got this 2 days ago… first time listened to it only twice i was tired and didnt want sounds to sleep lol It felt good and relaxing and one thing i noticed that day was that my body temperature dropped, or the temperature in the room i dont know i fell asleep fast.

Last night was the second time and i looped it through the night with acu-automaton no real reason for that combo haha i just wanted to feel more this new one and because ive been working extra hours the acu-automaton relaxes deeeeeeply when i loop it over night.

When i woke up today i couldnt believe what i felt.

My arms, upper legs and specially core/tummy felt sooooooo fit and tight :flushed: like if i had been hitting hard the gym for 3 months. My tummy was flat and tough like iron haha and my arms felt so strong. I was like what the heck???

I absolutely have not listened to ANY muscles, work out audios at all, lately. Only yoga.

I mean theres no way my body should have woken up feeling like that.

Ive thought about it all day and then i said well, ppl that used these symbols were warriors, vikings, tough strong ones hehe :smirk: soooo there you have it, i dont know if any one else have noticed this?


Smart field ?



But ive been listening to the acu for like what 3 weeks?

And just after last night looping it along the awe is when i got my body feeling like that.

So you are telling me that acu being a smart field enhanced whatever played along with it? :flushed::flushed::flushed::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

You are ugh. Amazing.


i think more so,
and this is just theory

the overlay of the helm of awe on your body the accu studied as part of your body and applied ways to better integrate it or improved it.

But just what may logically happen.


Omg. You know with this theory im gonna start testing all kind of stuff and combos haha yay!!!


Loveee you and thank you!!

What started as just a coincidence (awe + acu) ended up as a big serendipity gift. Im smiling so big x


Holy freaking GUACAMOLE! This presents a lot of potential possibilities (assuming it works)…lots of testing to be done…Muscles Beyond Limits also has a smart field attached…Interdasting. (sorry for off topic)


So if we were to have a playlist combo that plays the smart field such as the Blueprint Of Life after the other integrating fields ( be it of physiological fields =e.g St. biceps, Iron gullet, plasma combos or alchemical/ mind setting fields = e.g Soul restoration, Jing , knight/warrior mindset, Armor of light and glory etc) , the smart field( e.g Blueprint) would enhance and better integrate in us the previous fields played prior to it in the playlist …

Wow , now that’s awesomely exciting :star_struck:

@Captain_Nemo and @anon46520955 , what do you guys think about that hypothesis, it’s intriguingly tempting


Blueprint isn’t technically a smart field like that.


Oh , okk ,I was in the impression that it was a smart field that scans and facilitates in one’s both physical and mental changes at a genetic/DNA level. It’s my bad . Thanks for the clarification :blush:

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So my best bet would actually be , instead of Blueprint, Acu-automation after those fields ?

Blueprint before,
Acu-atomaton after


Perfect, thanks man , really appreciate it :pray:t5:


Using Blueprint first, does it help with this too The Navigator of Awe?

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With anything!


Hi , did you listen to the 2 fields at the same time simultaneously together or played it one after the other as in Awe for a certain number of times then followed by Acu-automation for a prescribed number times ?

That was my first thought of how im going to do some tests :raised_hands:t3::smirk: im so excited!

Btw, welcome back :two_hearts:


i normally put x audio x times then another audio x times.

But tbh that night i was tired and just looped the stack so it played awe then acu then aw then acu etc lol

I didnt listen to anything last night (day off and night before day off i take a rest of regular stacks i play only the aura ones and environmental ones)

I will try my normal way and see how it feels and then decide which way id like more.


Nice , thanks :+1:t5:. Looking forward for your reviews on further tests as well :grin:

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