New Release: Woven Worlds - Magic

Could you please make it available for a day or two? So whoever wants to buy can purchase it?


Omg, I’m glad I got it before the complaints!


Only if this resonates:
Would it be possible to let us know a day in advance prior to take down, please?
Why: because you have far too many minions who’re obsessed with the fields that’d feel devastated otherwise.

And like although I got this one
I can’t fathom if I missed this one. Or the contentment holy moly
Or any other lil gem

( I would want to make sure I have them prior to its departure because I really love everything you create, they are all really sentimental to me )


In case all woven series got taken down,

can we just buy from you directly in the future ???

just like when the time when gumroad doesnt accept my card

since it will take me about a year just to save for it :laughing::laughing::laughing:


what are they complaining about?

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I suppose its not the easiest solution, or a solution if any.

But I am not entertaining it.
This is my cutting and clean up phase.


For sure :slight_smile:
Thank you

I have no idea, paypal sent me a screen shot of the the download page that the customer sent them
and said customer says they didnt receive what they paid for.

I explained that it is digital and the order shows the download page.
We can escalate it to paypal if they want.
Some other long message was sent about how i didn’t take the time to read or whatever else i did wrong to this person and taking their money etc.
(paypal just sends me the photo which shows the delivery and says customer says they didn’t receive it)
So yep.
I will have to place full page disclaimers as well to dissuade people from buying also maybe.

trying to close this paypal account also, and this just drags the process on further.

Not too miffed about refunding itself.


yikes. perhaps it’s time to put all these products that have to be unnecessarily discontinued on …

OnlyFans :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

only allow those who PM you on here to purchase it


I had this on my wish list. :frowning:

This is some person who wanted it as free audio. :angry: i don’t think you should remove the listing, the problem is that person.


i am sorry!

will it be up someday? do you plan for it to be?

clear up phase. like it @Captain_Nemo ! i hope for you that things get reinvented for you so that you are also finally content.

i feel you of all need it.

thank you again for your hard work, patience and stength (one that many or none have).

really hope with all my being for coming of a moment, that you will be complete and fullfilled with your creations!

and all the miserable animals out there shut their mouths and disapear where they came from. childish perhaps, somethimes our reallity seams so discorded and so unfair i tend to wish for such things!

personally i can offer only my undestanding of the situation.

for i am under fire of the same sign 24/7 and if not of your work i wouldnt have made it so far.

really hope the cutting phase is really productive!

Good luck to you!


yikes, this is on my wish list and it’s gone now :cry:


The people who asked refund on paypal are the ones selling your audios and who want your products for free. Please don’t discontinue the audios.


I think it’s best we just respect whatever he chooses yall :slight_smile:


It’s a pity I was looking forward to this😳


Man you got to understand him to sometimes keeping something up isnt worth the hassle and we have many other things still plus if you really want sth create your own project find some people who like it and make an nft for him to create and be sincere :)

@Captain_Nemo you are appreciated you created this great community, finding your ytchannel and later joining the forum when it was created was one of best if not the best thing that happend in my life!

I truly enjoy your work and hope to be able to give as much as you do in the future!

Much Love and Appreciation


Using paypal for gumroad purchase has never been avaliable to me in my region. I can use paypal if it’s the new sound weaver site or teesprings, but not gumroad. It surprisees me that this could happen in the first place.


Not when it’s their own customer. I can’t use PayPal, I tried to contact them a few times about my little issue. They never reply (edit: which is ironic considering Cap is accused of “not replying” amobg other things )

They have a weird way of enforcing their policy IMO
Anyway, can’t use PayPal either.

I’m saying that because the new sound weaver only takes PayPal it seems


The new sound weaver site accepts credit card and PayPal, perhaps try VPN if you can’t have access to credit card check out?

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Captain up to some serious business