Woven Worlds Magic - Testimonials

So let me get this straight…

Somebody bought it, downloaded it, thus got the actual content, complained they didn’t get it, got a refund, hence got both the money and the content.

That’s almost impressively audacious


Ohhh no :smirk: :cry: I hope will be other way to purchase it :pray:


Any chance it could be put up on soundweave? I feel like it’s such a waste to retire such a wonderful field


That wouldn’t solve the problem of someone buying it, claiming they didn’t receive it and causing a charge back with PayPal, resulting in charges to Team Dream and jeopardizing a PayPal account that already was suspended.

I understand why you’re asking but what you’re asking doesn’t solve the problem that prompted the decision to take this field down in the first place.

As I was told as a kid, “that’s why we can’t have nice things.”


thanks to the Magic of Sammy’s invoicing i have this. “auto-manifestor”,“heavy power”,“brute force” “becomes your real reality”! Gonna combine this with the Magician audio,old Magician t-shirt from Teespring and give Dr.Strange a run for the money! :mage:


This is an extremely special field to me. I cherish it. If I don’t listen to it for a day or so, I feel it.

I don’t have a lot of concrete examples of what this field does or I would outline them, Part of my personality is such that I hold nothing back once I choose to share.

I just know that this field beckons. It beckons to you to see the absolute beauty in all things around and within you. It beckons you to soften your gaze, and when there’s a teetering between cynicism and hope, it steers you toward hope.

There’s a glittering. The colors around become a little brighter. There’s more of an awareness of the mystery of things.

It asks, “remember?” It gently reminds you that life is an adventure.

I do know that life has been especially good to me since I’ve been listening to this. I listen to many (many) of Dream’s fields though so I believe it is working with others and it’s hard to tell what impacts what. I’ve also been more willing than not to turn toward light.

I think that if you’re at a point where you can use a little magic in your life, or you want to have again something you’ve lost from childhood, that belief in magic, that spark, the twinkle in your eye, then get this field.


Beautiful :purple_heart:


Wait… one can still buy this?? I need to contact sammy for this??


That’s what your quote says, yes.


I didnt found how to contact @SammyG

@SammyG can you make an invoice for me please, i need it very much :pray:

No its not.

It should not be.


Dear Captain, how about those of us who have bought it, can we still use it?


of course.


Apologies, I was mistaken. Edited

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Why? How then to buy?

It is not available for sale anymore.

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Guys, this incredible GIFT is back in stock on Gumroad! :grin: :partying_face: :gift_heart:
This one and some others that have been out of stock! :exploding_head:


Thanks yo share that!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::heart::heart::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:


@Margo :point_up:


So, I’m guessing this was inspired by the Childlike Wonder field but with a massive upgrade to it…right?

If this is what you’re saying, then this is what’s been lacking a lot in my life for a long time and for many people in general. There was something I had when I was a kid that I lost when I grew up and were never able to reclaim back again. Reality as a kid felt more brighter, quite saturated, imaginative and colourful to a degree.

I think what our body is craving or soul searching for is the connection to the reality that’s outside visible light which some people would call ‘natures internet’. We have this antenna inside of us and so does the rest of nature because everything that is alive has Tryptophan. So, if you have enough Dimethyltryptamine in your body (DMT active in your body) and your pineal gland is open, you’re able to access the Tryptophan where you’re able to then communicate with reality and nature. This is the natural communication we’re supposed to have which connects us to what exists outside visible light and the spirit realms/dimensions.

When people go to visit Ayahuasca or psychedelic mind-altering ceremonies, they all have a similar experience report or coincidences of encountering an entity that resembles the ‘Blue Lady’ or a very bright woman with a blue headdress on covered with diamond shaped emerald studs. They even have paintings, art and books inspiring her and by honouring her under different identities like DMT Lady, The Lady of Ayahuasca, Mother Ayahuasca or My DMT Girlfriend etc. This sounds quite familiar to the Blue Faerie from the Faeireland kingdom/Fae realm:

“Blue fairies often glow a soft blue-white light, and delight in giving wishes to those who are sincere in their quest and need a little help along their spiritual journey. They are the helper Faeries and spend much of their time defending humanity from other lower vibrational Faeries without the best intentions towards humans. They do it with kindness and strength to stand up to the angry brownies and other Faeries by pointing out humanity’s great potential. They often work with Elves in this way too and are greatly respected amongst them as little faerie folk. They are seen often in the faerie courts talking to the wise council of Elven Eldars about the human’s growth when observed from afar. Every act of kindness and good deed is also recorded by them, like the Angels.”

These weren’t simply just hallucinations (they were tests done) but were remarkable visions that was so real… as real as anybody stood right in front of you, according to those who had this spiritual/magical experience. They were seeing into some kind of magical spiritual realm or a dimension outside our visible light.


Also what do you mean by this because I don’t understand?