New Video: Heaven and Hell

The story was inspired by a comment posted on Enlightened States Facebook page.

Funny thing is, people are asking on comments what the video does. :smile:


nice story, it explain what we live in everyday interaction with people, some are kind and some are selfish

you can make your life heaven or hell is your choice


So Heaven is where everyone is helping each other and Hell is where selfishness is dominating.
Hm very true I think
(That’s how I interpreted it)


Exactly. That’s how they ended up on hell in the first place.


I’ve been tempted to use this analogy many times.
Remember hearing this metaphor at a young child, and it always stuck with me.


Well just thought

imagine the world where everyone is helping each other to succeed, just imagine, every man, woman, kid helping each other, every single person on earth…man🤩


The world is always full with a lot of good guys and some of bad guys. The problem is, bad guys are always united in every endeavor they take. That’s how they create suffering for the good guys. And then, the good guys become evil and greedy to join the team. Too much bad guys and the whole system collapses. Good reigns again. That’s how the world always have been.


Somehow it reminds me this message too, we create our own heaven or hell here on this journey, question is… are you ready for this realization :sweat_smile:


Woah, I’ve been thinking on this beautiful, profound story so very often over the past two weeks!!

Related to one of @_OM’s excellent reading recommendations (referenced in Children of the Law of One: The Lost Teachings of Atlantis), a version of this story:


Aww, I love this story so much.


Anyone else besides me remembered the series devil may cry reading the title?

The lesson of this video (in my personal opinion) is that you should not fall victim to the „either or“, to the „hell or heaven“, to the „me vs. others“ trap by accepting the tools that you‘ve been given by an external source.

This is not a „service to self“ versus „service to others“ lesson as what may appear at first.

The lesson is that in both, heaven and hell, the portrayed people are all being stuck with using the same given tool (chopsticks) and thus only having the dual option between „feed myself“ and „feed others“.

They accept the given tool as a given and that leads to them only being able to make a duality choice. The system’s existing framework decided for these people in advance that they would have only these two options and the portrayed people blindly accepted this.

They were focussed on getting food and thus didn’t had the time and attention to question the chopsticks.

The people in the “Heaven” solved the problem of getting food through collaboration, but where still stuck with the given tool and the inability to change anything.

Even worse, now that they have found a functioning way to feed themselves, they will hold on to these chopsticks as a life saving tool even more!

A perfect metapher for how self-sabotage usually works.

If they would question the given tools, they would not be stuck with just two opposite choices but realize that there are infinitely more options (tools and other solutions) to solve the situation.

It is not by random that chopsticks are presented with such a focus here. The key here is to realize that you don’t have to settle for them.

It is truly a lesson in free will.


@Captain_Nemo Can you please share In which software you make animations like this and Where to learn that?

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I love those little stories so much.
I wish there were more :wink:

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Hell HQ = Planet Earth lol

Here, at the very least, it’s a good Hellish subsidiary.

Still, Heaven has some subsidiaries too. :grin:

I agree that your interpretation is/can be valid, yet I view the chopsticks as life circumstances - each one is born on a certain date, in a certain country, with certain genes, with a unique set of other circumstances too,…, so, for me, the chopsticks are the Cards someone’s given (internal/within and External/without), how to play (use them), it’s up to the player.

Certain things can be changed though, you may change your chopsticks, but still, you’ll have other chopsticks, if that makes sense.

Anyway, our bodies or rather the fact that we all have individual physical and limited identities and limits, that’s the chopstick, we cant fully escape the physical, while having a body, and even as souls, we tend to still have an “I”/“Me” sorts of identities, so that separation minimizes our capacities to act, we are limited (beings) in our scope, thus chopsticks…

I disagree. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a united front of people intentionally creating trouble for helpless victims. Most people create suffering for others because they fall victim to the worse aspects of human nature, like greed, hatred, delusion. These are present in each and every one of us, and we must work hard to not let them rule us and to let our better aspects shine.

There is no such thing as a totally good guy or a totally bad guy, and the danger of dividing the world like this is that we will always put ourselves in the good guys category and believe there’s nothing to be done about the bad guys. What we must do is examine our own thinking and behaviour, because I can guarantee you that none of us is a saint, and show virtue by example.

We all know the impact that one person can have on others. I’m not thinking of world-famous figures, just think of people like that one teacher that was like a parent figure to you or that one friend who by simply living his life inspires you to have good habits. A lot of us picked up music or sport because we saw someone doing it. Society has so many problems today because our role models are mostly crap. What chance do we have but strive to perfect ourselves? If we think it’s useless we will forever play the victim, but the power that one positive example can have is clear.

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You should check out the movie Contact [1997] with jodie foster. She goes to meet her dad in the stars after spending a lifetime searching for the answers of what life is.

When she meets her dad theres a really good quote he says to her that always stuck with me:
“See, in all our searching, the only thing that makes the emptiness bearable is each other”

I cant fathom existence and what it means to being given an eternal soul. Its a tough pill to swallow, but thats the understanding of free will we chose to come here. I will miss doing simple things like eating chicken strips lol. Being in the flesh is really cool :(

also, whats cool in that scene is she asks her dad “how many of you are there” he doesnt give a real answer but the camera focus on the grains of sand falling from his hand while they are kneeling on a beach.


Thank You for the reply and for the Wonderful suggestion (it sounds like an Awesome and Worth Watching Movie). :pray:

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This is a must watch movie for sure!

Very deep and emotional and worth watching several times.

:alien: :white_heart: