What are your New Years resolutions?
I never make any.
I make new resolutions every day/week/month so on New Years Eve or actually the whole 31st i reflect about the whole year that is ending and focus on the positive and what I accomplished, what I learned, pretty much who is this new person saying thanks to the year that is leaving behind. nothing to see here
Funny enough, my “new year resolution” (yeah, let’s call it that) is at the opposite of my desire.
I want to move out, make new friends, get into a new romantic relationship, level up my gears
and party like it’s 1999.
But it’s going to be all about delayed gratification. I’ll discipline myself, spend more time alone, study and build my skills. I’m turning my house into an intellectual bootcamp without distractions.
I need the address and an invitation
Sounds great!
I’ll send you the listing details and a quote for the rent
🏻‍♀ We got a deal!
To program reality at will.
To have internal and external liberation(Laying the foundation right now)
Reprogram myself into becoming the greatest version of myself with no limits.
That rocks! Blessings with your project.
Self discipline, combined with self-care is one hell of a game changer
And who is this beauty?
Can you please invite me to that party
You’re on top the guest list
I have three New Year Resolutions
Early Jan 21, I will be hanging up my nomadic badge. For the last 14 years or so I have been mainly nomadic living in my van with extended stays in my house(now sold). Being nomadic has been a wonderful experience, I have met and worked with so many, many lovely people. My growth spiritually has been on overdrive because of my nomadic lifestyle, but now the time has come to become as normal as I can be.
I will be making a trip to New York (if life resumes to normal). Many years ago before my existence at this time, my young Grandfather met a lovely young girl in his village, he wanted to marry her but he didn’t have any money so he decided to go to America (New York) and make is fortune, which he did. He travelled from the West Coast of Ireland on a boat with many other Irish people hoping to do the same as him, I believe the boat crossing took 6 weeks. Short story he made his money, went back to Ireland, bought a farm and married his beloved Mary.
I want to follow his footsteps (well sort of), you can travel from Southampton to New York on a ship, takes about a week, I will stay in New York for a week or so, then travel back on the ship. I feel very close to my Grandfather although I never met him in the physical world, he died when my dad was 11, it is a trip that means a lot to me. I also would love to go ice skating in Central Park.
I forgot the 3rd one, I would like to meet the one that comes into my dreams nearly every night.
Same. My maternal grandfather died when he was in his 60s, 4 years before I was born. I have only seen him in photos and heard stories about him but I feel the same sort of connection to him even though I don’t even know what he sounded like.
Haha nice storytelling! By not revealing that that girl was your grandmother, you kept me on edge!