New YouTube links

Hello everyone,

You may have noticed that the sapien team is in the process of restoring the YouTube channel, it will take some efforts and will happen gradually.

I’m sure this will be reassuring news to countless users.

Now, in order for this to happen as smoothly as possible, we the moderators will update the old threads with the new links.
It will take no efforts on your parts, we only ask that you all be patient as we move through this.

Please, do not create new threads.


bro why sapien removed most of his videos

There was a hack and now we’re re-uploading everything as fast as we can.

Dreamweaver didn’t just wake up one morning and deleted 12 years of hard work, his legacy.

Anyway, we’re rebuilding as we speak.


ohh damn thanks telling i was wondering what happened to sapien medicine

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Surprised that there aren’t more people celebrating this amazing news on this thread. Big thanks to Sam and the team for restoring these. :clap: :clap:

Where are all these people that were freaking out and creating new threads on this forum? :roll_eyes:


Fantastic news! So sad to lose all those womderful comments and reviews under all the YT videos…

But perhaps this temporary loss and now gain will inspire many of us to leave reviews about our years-months-weeks-days of amazing results and beautiful experiences.

Thank you to everyone involved :pray:t3:


Sapien Medicine So Very Sorry for all that occurred… So Very Grateful for you Wisdom & preparedness that All was backed up by you all…
May all the re-uploading and restoration process flow smoothly, quick With the up most Grace & Ease…

To those individuals who Chose to participate in this act of destruction, May Instant Karma Come Upon You NOW!!! INSTANT KARMA NOW Come Upon Your Head. So Be It, So Be It & SO IT IS… NOW…

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Hope the original Androstenol gets re-uploaded as well!

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