Newly released: Eye Regeneration Ver 2.0

Since I started using advanced healing I have 0 desire to watch porn which is good. But something else is worrying me I have no desire towards women I just don’t feel any sexual need it is like my member is dead. Would you say that it is fixing my brain or maybe some other thing is causing it.


The sexual energy is a big part of our base vitality. This vitality/energy is now used for regeneration and healing.


It makes sense. But I think I have already healed myself (I don’t have many things that need healing) Yet I experience what I mentioned above.

My intuition tells me that the Advanced Healing Field is not for prevention. It is better to use when you have a concrete illness or injury to heal.
I may be wrong here. If so I hope that others can chime in.
This is the heavy hitter that is perfekt when you´re sick or injured.
It will tire and drain you.


Yeah I have the same feeling, I recovered very fast from my surgery to the point I could bench press 100kg after 2 weeks without any pain (normally I should have waited 1-2 months to begin light chest exercices). Also my back and knee pain is gone. I think the field is draining me I feel tired, sleepy and with 0 libido.


Advanced Healing can be helpful for healing and repair even if one does not have an obvious illness or injury to heal.

One need not have something acute or obvious for the field to be beneficial in a significant way, though it is certainly excellent for acute injuries or concrete illnesses as well.

As we live or age, every moment, our bodies are continuously being ‘damaged’ and engaged in a natural healing process. ‘Damage’ often occurs long before one might consider it a concrete illness, just as one ages gradually over time.

The field speeds up natural healing and repair processes in general. At any given time, our bodies are not functioning 100% optimally, and the field often has benefits to one’s health and internal repair processes.

This can be a bit easier to imagine with an analogy, if one compares the vitality one felt in their 20s to how one feels in their 30s, though healing and repair at a finer level is an ongoing process throughout our lives.

As we age, some damage is done continuously: oxidative damage, damage to DNA, scar tissue accumulates internally, cancerous cells form and are suppressed, mitochondrial function declines and more.

From one perspective, the continuum from ‘damage’ and ageing at a cellular level to something noticeable enough to be considered a ‘concrete illness’ is actually a very smooth process. One sometimes does not notice the effects of these things, or they can appear more subtly rather than as something obvious that one might consider a concrete illness.

Most people have some things to repair from the process of life, ageing and lifestyle, which can have a greater impact than one might expect.

Some people have noticed unexpected benefits to mood, sleep or mental clarity from Advanced Healing, which can be amongst the subtler things one might not conceptualise as a concrete illness, which increased healing and repair can be of help with.

Here is an early review @Atreides wrote in the Share your Results! thread

However, it It can certainly use up quite a bit of energy and tire or drain a person as well, particularly after a long use time. It will use up one’s energy stores, which can become draining if one does not have enough extra energy or nutrients to sustain the greatly increased healing speed.

The Advanced Healing dog tag item regulates the healing power to the wearer’s capacity. I wonder whether the audio does this as well.

From the description:

Our other healing item, Faster Healing , speeds up the natural healing process by 500 to 700%. This item can increase that healing rate by 10 to 20 times. Limit Use Time This item was once restricted to short time use but it has been modified so as to regulate the healing power of the item to the capacity of the wearer’s available energy. It is still capable of speeding up healing 10 or 20 times faster than our faster healing item but will not do so if it will leave a person exhausted. As a result it can now be worn full time


Do you have the dog tag, or the audio? I think this will be the next thing I save up for. Even though I don’t get cravings for drugs anymore, @uial was telling me overall from my past lifestyle, that my dopamine and androgen receptors could be fried. Good stuff bud, what you had posted. How often do you use it? Is there anything else you had noticed? The reason I am asking, is my friend Tommy had gave me some random money(I am telling you, it’s the luck sigil that I had manifested!), so I want to help myself out and support Dream again. The tags are addicting though! I won’t stop until one day, I will have all of them! Lol. Dream had told me though awhile back that the brain regeneration heals the dopamine and androgen receptors though too.


I have the audio, it is way more convenient as I think the dog tag is way more powerful than the audio. At the beginning I was listening to it on loop while I slept, that was a big mistake. I was feeling like shit, kidney pain, diarrhea etc. At some points during the day it was hard for me to even breathe(like back when I was a kid and had asthma). Then I started to listen to it only 3 times, I was still feeling lethargic and tired but it was much better than before, I also lost some weight even though I ate at maintenance so you should probably increase your calorie intake. The audio is very powerful but I think I will stop using it as I don’t like how I feel and I think I don’t need more healing. Now about the benefits. On 11th of June I had gyno surgery, my surgeon told me that I should at all costs avoid chest exercices even light ones for the next 4 to 6 weeks, 2 weeks after my surgery was bench pressing 100kg without any pain, my back and knee pain is gone. I am not sure if it speeds up healing of dopamine and androgen receptors, but the last couple of days I have been feeling like I am on a nofap flatline which is a sign of dopamine receptors healing, even though that today is my 7th day and I wasn’t feeling any benefits (in the past every time that I had reached 7 days of nofap I was feeling amazing, libido through the roof crazy attention and attraction from everyone and so on). Get it bro even if it doesn’t heal your receptors it can heal your skin, wounds, injuries. So it is good to have it in your arsenal if something happens.


Thanks bro! I enjoyed reading your post. Hell yeah, I think I will get this one next when I am able to.


Congrats on the successful surgery as well! I know it’s like a chip has been lifted.


Thanks man, you have no idea how happy I am about getting rid of my bitch tits it was the best decision in my life, i can go to the beach, I dont have to constantly worry about my puffy nipples poking through my shirts. It feels like a boulder has been lifted from me. The only thing that I regret was not getting it when I turned 18.


Oh, trust me, I can’t sympathize with you because I have never had it. But I used to put myself in shoes of guys that had gynos and boy, it was not a good feeling.


could someone share the link of the advanced healing audio please …


There you go bud.


well thank you man, I thought it was on Youtube, I looked for it on dreamweaver channels but I didn’t find it. I already have the advanced healing dog tag, I felt it very strongly at the start, and a short time later I didn’t feel it anymore, But I imagine it continues to work.

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No problem man. Oh naw, it’s not on, not that I know of. Why not try boosting it? I want to get the tag too, might be the next one.


concerning the booster, I leave you an explanation which has just been posted:


I have boosted 3 of my intial tags 3 times a piece. But what kept me from boosting my other tags that came after the initial tags was because I found out that dream didn’t put any caps on them, meaning in a 150 years(just an estimate) the tag will be too strong for one’s aura to take. But tbh, after I had asked my dragon to use it’s magic on my subconscious and aura to where my threshold for energy capacity will automatically always be at a maximum, I don’t feel the powerful energy surges anymore, yet I still get maximum effects from the fields, being boosted 3 times a piece. Still, I told myself I will be disciplined, if it ain’t broke then why fix it?


glad that the beacon continues to work for you despite the 3 boosters and without feeling the energy peaks. on the other hand, everyone is different, maybe it’s the answer


Thanks bro. I really only boosted them 3 times maximum a piece because Dream had mention that, that was the maximum he’d recommended. Everybody’s energy capacity and auras are different, and you must find out what works best for you as an individual. It’s good to be cautious of you are unsure about yourself. Hey, better be safe then sorry. You know?