No NFT is worth thousands of dollars not even the 13th Skull

It might be not worth it to you, but to someone out there who HAS money to blow and believes in this cause they have a better understanding of reality it’s definitely worth the money.

Imagine some actor should they come across some of these fields? (The chosen one) for example think of the implications that’ll do for the rest of that community once someone sees this actor just exploding and getting all these deals.

Or agencies that use the skull for a multitude of things (AS A TOOL)

Don’t worry, about it if and when the time comes they won’t be bidding an extra hundred dollars for it. They’ll make a statement and that’s it.

This isn’t fomo, I’m against that and have stopped joining community projects because I feel like I got more then enough this lifetime. I’m selective these days in where I want to put my energy, maybe you should do the same and that’s it.


Dream ain’t fu***** around! Your worth is more than anyone can put a “label” on :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


But he provides as I said in other thread hop on the train: Wealth Generation++ and Finacial Protector
Once you have some hundos you get Alchemical Revision and roll smooth.


I hope so :pray: But I can’t find any sudden windfall that’s going to happen to me.
I am using Kubera and Wealth Mantra for some days.

Dream NFTs provide things that atleast make you more independant from going somewhere payin lots of money to get treated. imagine to divide all the treatments he offers to specialists that provide them seperately…and you know?

people in need go to those specialists and pay and not bitch and moan. and they give alot and sometimes or most times even dont get results from those treatments.

i say atleast. not mentioning the other positives the NFTs give the owner.

Some of Dream fields also replace whole healing equipments (sparing money, time to build, wait it to come etc, space and so on ).

so the real worth for most of the Dream fields not to mention the NFTs (the term NFT is for something unique and it is ment to be not cheap cos rare)… are all underpriced and i am glad we can afford them and also afford them in a quantity.

the real value of something like the hmm… even the Knight Virus errant NFT would be thousands of dollars/Euro when one consideres it evolves. so it is too muh to buy an item that doesnot the same for 60 USD??? and also protects you from all future pandemics? of any virus? wow…

where else does one be able to buy anything matereal for money and can make a claim the item would change and be better as long as used?

i dont think there is another such market on this planet or? this market in itself is unique.

a not to Dream: plleeease dont make them more expensiveee… :innocent:


As others have said, value is subjective. $1000 is a lot for some, pennies or less for others.
For me each and every field created is priceless, and they will be something that i can leave for other generations to use and reap the benefits.


Oh I get it now…
The title is inverse

“No one NFT is worth thousands of dollars, not even the skull”

That’s right.
They’re worth millions


anon was responding to me jokingly asking for discount rare NFTs. I’m pretty sure they were being humorus.

I love the NFTs I own, can’t imagine selling them right now.

I can’t afford to spend thousands on NFT’s at the moment, and I probably wouldn’t spend $1000 on any single NFT either, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth that to someone else.

I drink very expensive high end tea. People who like tea complain to me about the price of the teas I prefer drinking. It’s “not worth it” to them.

But they still want to drink the same quality of tea that I drink. I know something of what goes into the level of tea I drink, and what other people are offering out there, I make my choice.

Value can be very subjective, there are definitely things I won’t spend my money on.

If Dreamweaver decides to raise prices across the board, I might not be able to afford them but I wouldn’t say they’re not worth it. I find value in the NFTs, whether or not I am getting maximum value out of them or not is what it is.

…come to think of it, for what I spend on tea a year I could be buying more NFTs… (but I want both. :grin:)


Spent $5k on MBoP over a year ago. It was and is worth it. That being said, don’t spend money you don’t have.


Two words… Capital Governance :relaxed:


Hello anon172
I hope this message finds you well.

On one hand I see a situation of a man, distraught / overwhelemed
But on the other resentful to the point he is projecting his own experience onto all others- indirectly but fully minimizing the creations and the creator.

But let’s say, for arguments sake,
say all of this had worked
If they had… this post wouldn’t have come to fruition…yes? To me at least
The answer is blaringly obvious :slightly_smiling_face:

Our lack of ability
has nothing to do with the high quality, sophisticated premium quality produced.
And even though we lack the ability, I never once doubted or fathomed I was cheated.

What seems to be really going on is a brewing of excess frustration .
Instead of waiting in the uncomfortable, the unknown, your mind convinced you it was now or never to declare what you said: due in part to the mind’s impatience and the ego’s bruisings.
Vulnerability is a powerful tool. But when it goes overboard it produces things like this- projections of such as these :
“I don’t want others
Not worth thousands” etc.
This “cheating” challenges the integrity of his- unnecessarily & w/o just cause.
Sapien is such a hard worker I can’t even tell you. Like
the epitome of consistency. Practice. No excuses, just gets up and get back at it. Bam bam bam, he just keeps going but I digress lol

You say this money of yours … was hard worked.
But so are these nfts; they’re his :slight_smile:


同病相憐む @threadcreator. :man_shrugging:

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Dream should of made Eternal only 10 copies then lets see if 1k for a field isnt enough =}~


Now now
There’s no need to call them out like that
We’ve said enough. We gave insight and feedback and hopefully they will make space for themselves to consider it :cherry_blossom::innocent::slightly_smiling_face:

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I thought my opinion was priceless and worth it.

Had to share my two cents because that is cheap enough hmm.


I hope that some gifted people with potentially strong abilities will not be prevented from awakening and ascending for financial reasons.

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That’s not how it works lol
Awakening and ascending has nothing to do with one’s financial status; just look at Bhagat Kabir Ji.

Anyways, Sapien gadgets are just tools to help you- that’s it.

No worries :slight_smile:

PS: I think. And I am not fibbing. My most favorite thing is something that’s 1.99 :stuck_out_tongue:
Yes. For me, it topples over the eternal (but I think the eternal isn’t just health unless I’m wrong lol)

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It’s not absolute. There are other ways. I can’t say it didn’t matter at all.
Since they came here, they certainly hope to improve all aspects through the assistance here.

Ok I have no idea what you just said lol
Who’s “they”
And what is not absolute?

yes captain i absolutely agree

That’s right, when I buy nft, I can feel its energy, I am very grateful to you and the members of the design project

Great work both for public projects and private groups