I was using some fields and wondering - why is my luck turning so bad? Why is my luck temporarily good? Why are things happening, why are some things not happening? Then suddenly something clicked… It’s not about whether things are good or bad, it’s our reaction to it.
Peace isn’t removing anger, desire, restlessness and any of that. It is complete acceptance of who we are - in the deepest authentic sense - being able to embrace every single facet of us. The ugly, the bad, the painful, the traumatic, the shameful, the happy, the joyful, the grateful, etc. It feels good to feel bad, just as good as it feels to celebrate. Every inch is alive, every particle is alive, and in this timeless now, this “happening” is unfolding again and again.
Good or bad - it’s authentic. Peace comes from our reaction to any of it - not from trying to change things outside… Although some of that can help a little, it’s not a replacement