Now the fashion is sunbathing without clothes

Tan my self all the way to the top haha

It makes sense though haha

The area that creates test, gets direct energy with sapiens fields and the sun

I’ll test it myself and see if it’s the real deal lol the weather should be good in a few days, it’s been raining non stop


And if it doesn’t work I bet I can intend it to work, but then I rather intend it to work by other means lol… not sunbathing


If it works for you, I assume it might work the same way listening to the sun gazer without clothes? I don’t know, but I hope so, because I really have nowhere to do it haha, I am waiting for the results, remember not to do more than 5 minutes a day as this is a sensitive region.


thats funny to think about but I would do it too haha yeah I would assume it’ll work that way too, I’ll let you know!

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No, I’m not. I’m talking about the science of bio-physics, and I even cited my source. What are you on about? I don’t want to argue with you man, that’s not why I’m here. I’m sharing what I know, based on the research I’ve done. If you’d like to do the same, please do. But, how about we don’t get into personal matters?



Sigh. I’ll say this and then move on and let you do whatever it is you do…

You cite an article about humans “needing” the Sun when literally 99% of human history and interaction up until the last few years has been based around the SUN…quite literal here.

It’s just weird… It’s like you said the “sky is blue” and then cited a scientific article about the sky being blue and then to top it off,
you wrote
“trust me, i know from experience”

Lol again just weird…humans have KNOWN this from experience since…before they existed… before when they could speak and call themselves humans…

Like I said, just weird how you phrased it.
Nevermind me…

Hey everyone… if you hate the sun! Stop it!
Go enjoy the sun! You only need it for all of life to exist. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


Well I got to drop this here since topic is sunbathing without clothes :man_shrugging:

The benefits of Butthole Sunning, aka Perineum Sunning


See, you misunderstood me. I said that we have recently learned scientifically that the human body has mechanisms in place to directly convert the sun’s photonic energy into electrical current. We have known that plants were able to do this, but recently discovered that people do this as well, just with a different part of the spectrum.

Of course we’ve known by experience that the sun feels good. But, we didn’t understand the mechanism. I couldn’t recall the biological pathways from the top of my head, because I’m not a biologist, so I cited the source that teaches this, Dr. Jack Kruse.


Okay, this I never did, that seems…excessive. Standing nude, in my backyard alone, sure. Spread eagle with a bunch of other people…too much for me, I’m out.


Hahah yeah… I don’t wanna be an asshole but I won’t be trying that… lol


To be honest, I’d rather be moon bathing, but Dream has not made that audio yet. :frowning_face:

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I would also like this very much

I wonder if the sun gazer vid will increase testosterone


Try pointing the speakers at your…you know what, nevermind.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

It might. I think the Vitamin D audio would help more. And of course as mentioned already, could go right for the Test audio.


This is getting interesting, I didn’t think this topic would yield so many comments

I didn’t think people would sunbathe spread eagle in groups. Life is full of twists and turns…

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Are you still, in spite of (reminder):

(My favorite and most tragic quote of all times)


That only makes me more interested.

(Though I get why that may seem odd, and appreciate you pointing out that post to me, had not seen it)