Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated)

Please answer to one more query.
What if I change my phone then it is ok to transfer purchased field directly from one to another or do I need to download them again from the main site?


You can transfer them phone to phone. The fields are the same. You needn’t download them again, of you don’t want.


@SammyG Hey, i have some extra question:

On the enlightenedstates FAQ section it is stated that the fields on the images of the sapien shop Tags are programmed to become a part of the tags they are printed on. Does that mean that after lets say 1 or 2 years even if the protection glass and image get heavily consumed or damaged or even completely removed, the field would be still active there on the steel part of the tag?


If the paid audios are from gumroad, you can just log-in, access the gumroad library containing all your purchased fields/items and you can download them to your new phone if you want to.

With teespring audios, there is no library, so I just upload them to my google drive and download them into my new device.

  1. What is the fields protection policy for sharing in relation to kinship level, and to what extent (and if there is a difference between “legendary” and “mythical” items on that matter), speaking of Parents, Siblings, Grandparents, Uncles, Cousins.

  2. What is the fields protection policy for paid ones in general (excluding the legendary and mythical where it is clearly stated), and how can they be distinguished, where it is not described as having any kind of “protection” and even very expensive (e.g “The Plasma Protocol” and “The Blueprint of Life”). Can these be shared with friends and still work?


Final Boss Categoryyyy Pleaseee !!

:rage: :point_up:

Dont worry my man. :relieved:


Yes, that is completely fine.


how about wife’s parents and siblings

Yes that is correct, it would still be active.

I don’t think any tags have gotten to that point but when that time comes, I’d love for someone to send us a pic just so we can make sure it’s working as intended.


Thanks Akira and great as an answer to Q.#1 question. I’m mainly asking for the common good. These are really not clear in general. Also Q/#2 is still open. God bless.

  1. That’s generally fine. Not going to go into specifics as to how the protection works but it does a good job of weeding out people who get it illegally.

  2. We can’t add that they are protected on teesrping descriptions. And in gumroad, the ones that have it in the description are protected. And then protection is random throughout the gumroad audios. Some have it, some don’t. Just forgot to mention or preffered not to in some of the gumroad audios that don’t mention it.


are most brain fields non-permanent? Like Attention and Focus or Overcome Any Addiction for example?


That would be epic Sammy :pray:

Really really love the Journey of Forgiveness.


Most brain fields are stimulating certain areas of the brain and inducing certain neural connections. This can lead to permanent change over time. Something I like to recommend people trying to increase their intelligence or lets say…attention and focus while listening to those audios… is to do things that require you to use your intelligence or focus. Doing this, creates the neural patterns consciously while your brain is also stimulating these areas of the brain. This can cause permanent change over a shorter period of time. Consistency is essential of course.

Audios like brain regeneration of bdnf are stimulation the production of things like NGF which is a change that is permanent in itself. Overcome any addiction, while of course is stimulating production of certain neurotransmitters and affecting certain areas of the brain dealing with addiction leads to permanent changes over time.


Is there a Spanish version of this?? so I can share this information with my family

No there isnt

When will the store be open to purchase the advanced fields?

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I meant to say “wearable advanced fields”.

Welcome to the Forum, justrelaxtravel!

The store opens up from time to time (according to changes in the world delivery situation) so that we can purchase wearable advanced fields. Keep an eye peeled on the Announcements subforum here. That’s typically where announcements (such as sales! and shop updates) are posted.

Also, if you’re interested in the wearable advanced field “jewelry” pendants (as opposed to the dogtag-style pendants) people have been able to order them even with the Sapien Shop closure.