Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated)

Can I put the audios on my iTunes ? Does that change anything? Will it still be effective?

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Yes, I do, and it changes nothing afaik, it makes everything look clean. It is effective, the only feature I don’t know how to make it work is that, to play one track 2x or 3x and then move onto the next one in the playlist. Currently I’m doing it manually.

You can add the same field to a playlist multiple times. And once added, you can change the order of the playlist to put them however you want them to play. One note though, you have to add again from the original. It won’t work trying to add it from the playlist.


Thanks, didn’t know about it, will try.

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Do you think we’ll ever get a field that will allow us to play many fields at the same time/once? You know… Like opening lots of tabs on your PC and playing them all simultaneously?

More and more fields are getting released and eventually nobody will have the time to listen them. I certainly struggle to fit all my chosen fields and be able to listen to them throughout most of my day. Many people also cant exactly have earphones in at work or listen to music.

All I’m saying is, having to listen to fields one after the other individually is a right headache if you don’t have the time.


Would listening to a field such as Subconscious Limits Dissolver (12min length) 10 times make it work better and make more permanent changes faster or would listening to it once or twice be the same as listening for many times ?


Subconscious limit always there my friend. Even if you remove it now. You gonna end up with someone that has limiting beliefs.

Just use daily once a day for maintenance

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You will know when you have dissolved all your limiting beliefs when you can instantly manifest anything in your life literally out of thin air, walk on water, fly, teleport etc. :wink:


Would training the brain to into different brainwave states help with studying a topic?

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PS: You can buy Sapien fields for different brain waves on his Gumroad store.


I just remember i used the gamma wave audio for my revision and it was a game changer. I think i posted about it.


Will it take longer to see results if I listen to one sapien medicine audio and one subliminal since they are different in how they change something about someone? E.g. So if I listen to a get rid of eyefloaters sub and the sapien medicine grow taller audio, will I get results as fast as someone who just listens to one of them at a time or not?


I appreciate your answers but that’s not what I asked about :see_no_evil: I want to know specifically if listening to any field that’s longer (10, 12, 15 min.etc.) more than one times is basically pointless. So for example if I were to listen to confidence audio 10 times would it be stronger and bring faster results rather than listening to it 2 times a day ?

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From the FAQ above (highlighted for your clarity):

That passage also warns about the possible negative side effects of listening to long (over-10-minute fields) multiple times. That leads me to understand that doing what you’re wanting to do would likely slow down results, rather than make them faster.


That quote helped me a lot, since it was pretty hard to fit some long fields in the day playing it multiple times each. Thank you


Apologies if it’s been asked before, but what are the hard limits as far as what fields can be made? I know Captain has said he can’t do anything like automated eating, since the human body has no means of synthesising its own protein and things like that, but what other hard limits have been set?

As long as there is enough scientific research and Capitan figured out how to do, he can do a field. Usually in all descriptions, what a field does is mentioned and rarely what a field can’t do is also mentioned.

Is this what you are looking for?


Question, the faq says that playing two fields on one device, at the same time, disrupts the field. Does that mean listening to one field on a computer where I’m also playing music loud enough that I can’t hear the field anymore or watch movies, and such, disrupts the field as well? I know speakers are obviously better, but I use my bluetooth earbuds most of the time when I’m on my computer to not disrupt others.


Hello there!

A little input on the usage of fields in my opinion/experience.

There are fields that can be combined from two different devices playing in the same time.

There are also fields that dont combine well when played together in that way.

Example for good coherence is the combo armor of light and glory with the auric energy body repair.

Example for bad coherence for me is the crystal charger together with anyone of the crystal audios from gumroad. These are better played separate.

Also when you want to cut 20 minutes you can play de-inhabiter with the remove spell/curse audio also from two smartphones in each pocket.

The point is you can try combining fields. Somethimes in dear need it seems to have a better effect (heavy attack and so on)

also good is the luck (8min) wotgether with the holy light audio.

Take care! Experiment!

Dont be religious with it! SammyG ment as i understand you shouldnt play two fields on the same device. That is pure logic. Then you make two energy streams incoherent.


How do these field help you change if you arent using subliminals in them I dont really understand. I use subconscious limit remover and abundance field will that help attract weslth.

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