Living out here in basically the middle of nowhere, seeing other people only about once a week, it does teach one alot. BUT there are pros and cons to every situation, the key is to make the most of each…As the comical saying goes…“Wherever you go, there you are.”
Also, totally agree about the kitty companion, cats are the best buddies for introspective quiet time and a solo life. ;) They show you how to do it with style. They are solitary class incarnate.
I admire that. Living all by yourself in the middle of nowhere!
As a kid I wanted to live as a hermit so bad. Somewhere on top of a mountain or at least in a temple where no one is allowed to talk.
Cats are the best.
I 100% Agree! This has been my dream ever since I was little too!!! Either that or join a monastery. However, life is what happens while one is making plans…over time I learned the mountain is always there and we can always experience it’s apex, even in a crowd. Just as the Monastery always exists within us.
That said, I do miss social life at times…or I used to, it’s less and less these days, unless I spend too much time involved in-person contact with people. Then it returns and I just wanna hang out and talk and have fun etc…
That effect takes about a day to wear off and “solitudinal harmony” to return.
Though, it helps me to remember this quote which I must paraphrase… I forget whether Yogananda said it or one of his Gurus, but I believe the quote went something like …“It is better to be in the world and long for the monastery, than be in the monastery and long for the world.”
This is true in my experience. However, again, I restate and clarify a bit my last post. Wherever you are at any given time there is value in it. This is where you should be, take the time to breathe and be present in the moment and remember that we are all here to experience our own particular unique existences and at any one time we can CHOOSE how to experience a circumstance or situation. This is one of the most potent uses of free will.
So true! But I have fear of heights anyway, so no living on the top of a mountain for me.
But I could totally do the no talking thing.
I feel rather drained when there’s too much talking. I am easily overwhelmed, so being alone is somehow my happy place.
Well, I am also severely depressed. Being alone is my comfort zone, but it’s not so healthy for me.
So I appreciate the small talks one has when walking the dog.