Om aim hreem shreem kleem dreamweaver

from dream weaver
Got the original cd stuff has power no joke

Here is direct link to the mp3 file track

Also here is original wav losses from cd rip file


Can u detail more on your experience? As to why u attribute it to be powerful. I know the beej mantra singularly are powerful. Just not sure what the collective powder is like conjoined… I’ll be listening for sure

  • Om: the primordial sound associated with the creation of the universe, the Divine, Brahman and the higher Self. It is the most commonly used and widely recognised bija mantra. Om opens, clears and focuses the mind for meditation, and so is typically chanted at the beginning of a mantra.
  • Aim: the feminine counterpart of om. Aim is the bija mantra associated with Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of knowledge and speech. It is believed to open the practitioner’s consciousness to higher knowledge and wisdom.
  • Hreem: the sound of the Great Goddess representing her powers of creation, preservation and destruction. Hreem is often associated with her form as Parvati or Shakti, symbolizing divine feminine energy.
  • Shreem: a sound to evoke the power of love, devotion and abundance, on both a physical and spiritual level. It is associated with Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and divine grace

All these already explained the meaning above


Which movie titles u seen this in???

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Does anyone have any experiences with this mantra to share?

Can’t believe this is for free. A very powerful mantra guys. When you consistently chant a mantra for 6 months, your vibrational field changes and you experience miracles

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Did anyone actually try it? Pretty sure it doesn’t work. The link, I mean

The Google drive link led me to a file which I downloaded. Will try it today

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this isnt mine,

A lot of people use the name and similar descriptions to gain views and traction etc.
and some just use the name dreamweaver lol.
Miles away is not mine.


Got it thank you :) I’ll delete

I felt I need to add some mantra to my stack, and I found this one when I was looking for Om Namah Shivaya by Dream.
Today I looped it for about 3 hours and so far it made me want to “conquer” urges and ego traps,
like warrior/combatant midset but applied to spiritual matters.
It also made me very calm and centred, and confident I can “win”


So I looped it few more hours before sleep ande I had extremely vivid lucid dream, with high control over what was happening in it.
Before I only had LDs of such high clarity and control only after few months of practice, journaling dreams reality tests etc.
I will loop it today before sleep as well and let you know :grin:


Any update?


This should be moved to the thread of projects by other creators, since Captain says it’s not his. @SammyG - since OP is not around - can this be moved? Thanks!


but that one above is mine


Oh what the heck!
Sorry, Captain - totally misunderstood

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I don’t understand either. :sweat_smile:
Which one’s Captains’?
The one from the first post?

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