Hi all,
I am brainstorming on a project that will solve a daily issue for me, which is clean and charge food, water, and atmosphere for my home and family. Tap water is notorious for being full of toxins, and it is hard to obtain living water, even spring water sold in stores is falsely advertised. Standard purifiers don’t remove things like flouride which calcifies the pineal. Most food easily accessible or preferred by kids is processed and dead.
Would it be possible to create an NFT that would automatically clean and charge food and water in the home or area (if traveling)? It could possibly need to be printed and then attached to fridge or be in the general area.
It would also eliminate EMF or other negative vibrations and replace with something like plasma flower, schumann resonance.
Anyone interested?
This could be something that ends up being a public project which I think would be highly beneficial.
Currently I try to use food and water charger audios but cannot keep up with charging all food/water I feed my family and also have no way to purify or charge the water that comes out of the tap for washing.
Also would address aspects of homemaking/homesteading (if it becomes an NFT).
I think with this community project idea we would be looking at something that would not need looping of audio and that would also encompass food as well as EMF environmental stuff. It would be great if a small mandala could be used as an aide in places experiencing a lot of pollution, not just one’s own home… Similar to orgonite that people like to “gift” places but not requiring the physical making of the resin and metals and crystals.
My vision for the end product is something that could have a “maker” ability so individuals can imbue little stones or other natural items that have the power to cleanse the area around it. Imagine if we could fill polluted waters and lands with purifying energy and spread it around the world.