Optimum Field Using Questions

Hello Everyone!

Fairly new to the world of morphic fields but already a happy avid user. I’ve got a couple of questions regarding the optimum use of the Sapien fields, for which any of you experienced users and well versed on the matter could hopefully shed some more light into:

  • The amount of playing times (i.e. 2-3 times per use), are there any benefits/differences between playing these back to back vs. divided on different times during the day? Are there situations or type of fields for which one method is better than the other?

  • Playlisting: Seems majority is using the fields in some type of playlist setup (playing one field after the other). Again, will the fields be equally effective if played one after the other, without any pause in-between fields, as opposed to actively listening to each field one at a time and let that energy be ‘absorbed’ during some time (30-60min) before jumping to the next one?

  • Passive listening: I’ve read that some play fields while sleeping or in the background of other audio or activities. Is this a 100% proper way in terms of efficiency of the fields, or would a more active listening with conscious involvement be more optimum and not ‘divert the flow of energy elsewhere’ (like for example it is recommended for other types of energetic audio treatments)?

  • Daily Dose: Let’s say I’ve got 10 fields aimed for longer term use that I would like to work with, such as those that require weeks/months of using to obtain best results. In order to not overwhelm the mind & body with using 10 x 2-3 times (20-30 audio runs / est. 80-210min listening time) daily, would it be more optimum to:
    a) use only 4-5 fields at 2-3 times for a period of weeks and then move over to the next 4-5 fields - or -
    b) use all 10 fields but at a less daily exposure (for example 1 time only)**

  • Field Types: Let’s say I concentrate on 4-5 behavior fields as a main group, but decide to add in another playlist/time of day some fields that are working on a completely different area, for example towards some health processes or muscle workout. Would these last fields contribute to the daily draining of energy and may come to interfere with the optimum working of the main group fields? If so, anything specifically recommended to do in supporting the energetic system from being overwhelmed?

Greatly appreciate any input & feedback from you pro users in the community.

Thanks for your time!

Have you already read the FAQ?

Even if not, all your questions have been answered on this forum many times. Please kindly use the search function.


I guess I just committed the typical ‘lazy rookie’ mistake and jumped to ask questions already in FAQ. My bad! :see_no_evil:
Going through forum post on a small phone and without glasses, making it difficult to look and search, shouldn’t be an excuse either.

You can do it :muscle: :wink: :v: