Patreon, how it works? Is it forever?

Hello, I want to subscribe to DreamWeaver’s Patreon, but I have a question about it…

If I subscribe and eventually I unsubscribe, the sigils, mandalas, audios, etc I downloaded from his Patreon will stop working for me, or is it forever mine to use again and again?

Thank you very much for your time, guys!


Forever yours, but you will lose any future video downloads if you unsubscribe and then you will eventually need to subscribe.


Are all the audios on Patreon available as mp3 files that be downloaded, or do we need to go on Patreon to access it?


Yes you can download every mp3! You don’t need to be logged in to patreon.


Yes they are available, don’t know if they all available one by one but I mean 99% of them are.


Thank you!


Oh I see, thanks a lot for the information!


Welcome to the other side of the matrix @SirChiropractixalot . Are you still partially on the other side?

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What are the two sides, my friend?

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Thank you, I will watch it and get back to you.


If I now become patreon member then how long will I have acces to it, one month or till 1st in month???

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Patreon bills when you sign up and, from there, bills on the first of the month. If you were sign up today, you’d be billed today and then again next week for the month of December.


Okay so if I pay bill today I will pay bill also in next week

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Yes, you will pay today (for November) and then next week you will pay again for December. Patreon bills per calendar month, not a month from when you signed up.


Can someone confirm if they still work?
For example, with Energetic addendum est, I want to create a light or dark server but I don’t want my server friend to disappear if at any time I can’t pay the subscription :(
Or that I can’t continue using the audios or sigils :/

The fields that are on the 2 lower tier subscription levels work even after you cancel your Patreon subscription.

The fields that are on the highest-cost tier will not work after your subscription is canceled.

You (and your server friend) will be fine.

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Thank you very much for the quick response, I really appreciate it. :pray:

That’s a relief, nice to know.
I guess the only exception would be the Environmental Transformer, right?
Since it says that it works like NFTs do with access only to patreon members. (both levels)

The Environmental Transformer is available to the middle tier so that’ll keep going even after your subscription ends.

I don’t know what the “(both levels)” means there because when you subscribe to the Premium Tier, you automatically get all the other fields as well.

But it’s been said, in a number of different places on the forum (even in the very first post of this thread), that the “regular” fields remain usable even after your subscription ends. However, the fields of the Premium Tier (of which the Environmental Transformer is not part) stop working when your subscription ends.

If you’d like, you can use the search engine to search for those statements; you can even search for those statements made by Dreamweaver (which is the new name for Captain_Nemo).

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