People in the environment influencing musical performance

Now, that’s great! Because you can have lots of control over this, and as you realize this, you won’t need to protect yourself (too strong a phrase) from what your audience may or mayn’t be doing. And I bet having any meaningful barrier between you and your audience would diminish the performance you want to provide for them.

So, here are a few more things you can play with:

  • Include your enjoyment in your pre-playing intention. I’m sure you set an intention prior to playing. And if you don’t yet, it’s a helpful practice to begin. “What do I want from this experience I’m about to enter? How will I know if I’ve accomplished that experience? How will I be as person when I have that experience?”
  • The Self Love fields to counteract your old habits of pressuring and criticizing yourself.
  • When you do notice yourself criticizing yourself (it happens), hear that criticism in a silly voice. (It’s hard for me to take seriously anything that Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck says. Maybe that’s Homer Simpson for you?)

(See? I wasn’t kidding about all the options you can use on this situation. :slightly_smiling_face: )