So I fully trust Sapien Medicine. But I hate seeing people spreading bs rumours about his stuff on the Subliminal reddit forum. It doesn’t matter to me about people not listening, I care about Dreamweaver’s image and don’t want his channel to be subject of any abuse. I mean just read the comments by Quad7x on this post
He has no idea what he is saying and keeps claiming that Sapien Medicine uses black magic. Anyone want to help me shut this noob down?
These are the kind of people who are like “If I had to work for my shit and earn it so does everyone else”. The worst kind of humans.
Easy to be jealous and hate on people succeeding.
Same thing happens with the automated workout videos, there are people that worked out their entire life so they comment stuff like “I don’t feel a thing” and “it’s not working”, because they believe others should also work out and not cheat.
But guess what biach, i’m a magician, and I will cheat my way trough life, because physical existence is just a game, you choose the “difficulty”.
Ignore people like that and just move on bro, they know very well that Sapien works.
Thanks man, they don’t understand how this stuff works. They think it’s some evil psychic hacking shit
Nah trust me bro they know exactly how it works.
They just don’t want other people to have it “easier”.
There are also subliminal makers who try to bring sapien down so they can have more viewers.
But they are weak so don’t worry, we all know how many people Dream has helped.
Morphic fields blow subliminals out of the water, no wonder subliminal makers will start to bring stuff about Sapien Medicine. They know that his content shows results in half the time or less and that’s why they have to instigate rumours.
Exactly what I was thinking. When things are “easier” to say get into an Epsilon state - for which someone probably had to train for years earlier, it makes some folks angry. I think they should be grateful that such things are now available for the betterment of all, but naaw. One of my Neigong teacher’s senior students was pissed off when I played MCO audio once he realized how well it works! And there will always be the ultra-religious folks who are brainwashed to believe that everything that they don’t understand falls into the bucket of Demonic or Satanic. Abrahamic God/Jesus/Allah (I find the archetype named Allah to be rather parasitic, but that is just my experience, but Yeshua is kind, has learned from ancient deities like Shiva, Krishna, Kali, Athena, Sekhmet etc. and is very helpful) or its all Demonic. Not much can be done for such people who are set in their ways.
Things like these don’t deserve our attention.
Exactly as in you agree with them or …?