Petition to stop NFT's and create a better format

Since the title and description was edited after I posted to not just complain but now find a solution.

I’ll let you find a solution


debatable, and individual choice of course


thank you
debatable + proposition of something better (if something better (=solution) doesn’t exist we stick with what does)


But it definatley helped with the black market,


Besides, these have a lot more creative freedom for me.
than anything that would ever really be public.

and responsibility of the NFT builds, go to the community that worked towards it.
I mean, You can join a community or start your own build.
Follow the guidelines of course and learn from those whose builds are very coherent.




I personally like the idea of public nfts but not gorup projects at this point. And captain has already given everyone more than enough at this point from groups for a whole year so I do believe if there was more focus on public nfts than group ones it would be better for the overall community.

But that’s just my opinion.


they really are private projects, i assure you, i am added to some groups and they talk amongst themselves for sure.


ok, one solution to be found
we now know what was one of the problems

can be done too in other format or in same format but with 5000 copies (basically unlimited)

yes but we are not very evolved as human beings myself included, removing conflict of interest and deceit is always a good thing


there is no such market?
all in the shop have longer numbers

there are public nfts right now.
new ones and nice ones.

Show me 5000 people willing to buy a project and I will make it for you.


this is just to avoid greed and deceit
so basically there is no resell market, so you buy for yourself not to make money
like you actually want to use the morphic field


There will always be a resell market
the earth is very very large
and the universe anyways

a number is just looking at things in perspective.

well anyways,
there are always options, there have always been options, there is new content on all channels and avenues all the time.
I don’t see it.


oh yes
i meant public threads, but i am sure there will be more and more testimonials shared publicly next few months!
@CreateYourLife in fact this is what community wants, Captain just does what we request


the 5000 copies is just an example of a solution, I am waiting for others to input, there is no rush but let’s see if “better” can be done

yes but with 5000 copies you avoid people reselling it to the same people of the forum and nobody can really greed and profit from it immediately
you make a project because you like it and because others like it as well, not to turn it into something catchy and popular to make money, if money you want you can use money fields or create a project on money


I don’t see why resell market couldn’t coexist with the public version of NFTs.

It would be like any 2nd hand market you can sell it for less then it’s original value if you don’t want the item anymore. I know fields aren’t like cars that loose their value after purchase, but increase since the fields get stronger.

I myself prefer buying stuff straight from the vendor, not having to fear if someone takes the money and doesn’t send the field to the wallet or vice versa if I am selling and they don’t send the money.


Having personal beef with other members should remain personal.
Just a btw.

I’m out.


They do exist
am I wrong here.


I was replying to createyourlife about removing the resell market just didn’t press the reply button.

But yes, I am also in favor of public projects, since more money could go the creator, then with 20-25 limited copies and more people could benefit from the fields.


I would like the community projects be made available to public in 50 to 100 copies. Not too much not too less. To be offered to the public after the group members receive their copies.

If it is offered for a limited period of time with a sale timer that would be better.

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many if not all private projects look very nice and beneficial…

i can asure you although, that the work with the normal fields can be and is, when done coherent, nonetheless extremely beneficial for ones life… even by using only free fields one can achieve a whole lot. and even be more able to connect to the compex fields of the NFTs.

i once was totaly against NFTs and prefered to be out of this and stick to the “normal” way…last year until perhaps September 2021…

then i decided to be open minded… then came the first more “reachable” NFTs and then i understood something.

the NFTs are super complex morphic fields, that will challenge you and your energy system to develop.

they are smething of a spiritual luxury.

and they require alot of work with the normal fields and on oneself in order to profit from them.

this is one thing. other thing is what the owners do with them. there everything is free will.

Our Captain has ordered the things so, that when one observes the forum regularly there is enough public stuff to …compensate ?.. for the expensive NFTs.

my point of view and my feelings of course.

this NFT game is in itself a school of patience and observation, and synchronicity even.

a challenge in those challenging times. one of growth and hope for me.

thank you @Captain_Nemo !


I will also focus on other things as well.

I see projects withdrawing.