Petition to stop NFT's and create a better format

How you like them apples?
3000 copies.

The actual artwork is also fielded, so you don’t lose out really.

(just good clean ocean energy)


Next time someone should link the FAQS, that’s a few hours of argumentation that would have never happened


Very cool idea! :slight_smile:


It’s the same… You copy paste the audio or the image and can sell that one as well on the black market it just may happen less because the NFT’s are more exclusive and lesser people know about them and people know each other here on the forum but the NFT aspect itself doesn’t add any more protection… So the initial argument of creating NFT’s for protection is not valid.

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Once again you missed what people said.

The field will check your subconscious to see if you own it, then you can access it.

It’s not the NFT, the field will refuse to work for you if you don’t own the NFT

The security is in the field, the field, the magic, will only activate if you have the damn thing

There is a FAQs for newbies, you should know how it works before asking to change it m.

But don’t let me silence you




So there is no difference, can we all admit this like adults ?

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Lol he was saying that because this thread is about having limited copies,

He makes all NFT hit worthy


Yes, just like the others.

You are exactly right. You have been right all along.

But like Sammy said, that’s on purpose

It’s a conspiracy to make NFTs useful.
Let’s protest

Sammy already said they were restricting copy count on purpose.

What you gonna do ?
What you gonna do ?


Ofc :smiley:
I have plenty other NFT’s that are more favorite than LM lol


I dont understand how you think you know how it is designed

Thats what i dont really get these days

The token is minted and branded specifically
if you mint it elsewhere, it becomes something else,
all on venly say sapien medicine, another seller cannot use that name.

each key and code is specifically generated
I mean if you want to copy photos and think you have them that’s fine also.
feel free.

Its definitely not the same.
But hey, you know better.


Now seriously Cap,

How that work exactly the kraken ?


Wondering the same thing lol!

Specifically this part “The New Nautilus Token Collection With Rare Items for exclusive access A random NFT will be minted.”


Im not gonna do anything. I’m just rebutting the initial argument of NFT’s being more protected than non NFT’s.

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You are right, perfectly right man

Except for the part where people resell his fields and then people come back complaining to him that it doesn’t work or all the other side stories everybody who’s been here for a while knows about.
NFTs solves this.

But besides that,
You are right, can’t fool your logic


I’ve explained myself quite clearly. The NFT adds more protection because the NFT grants a unique digital token to each person that buys it. Nobody else has that token. The fielded image or audio only activate if you have the NFT. They will not activate or work for you if you just have the fielded image or audio but no token.

We’ve explained it many different ways. But you only wish to see it your way. That is fine. It feels throughout this conversation that you wish more to be right. You are here to argue and seem like you’re in the right over us. I don’t feel anything positive from your intentions. Maybe I am wrong but your posts insulting other users here suggest otherwise.

If you truly have an issue and really wish to continue this debate, then we can set up a public zoom call where you get to reveal your issues with our NFTs and all your arguments against us. I detest debating over text with the back and forth over a long period of time and would very much rather debate someone face to face. I will only do this if you talk through video.


I dont know better. I just ask. From the answers it looks to be the same which is what I did think.

same as for the non NFT’s mandalas and audios. You can copy mandalas and audios and resell them however it wont be the same because of the protection. But there is no more protection between NFT and non NFT, I’m just rebutting your initial argument cause you said you made NFT’s for protection against resell…

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Xd :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Good apples salty apples exquisite.


I answered this for you already. Without NFTs, the protection can be more easily circumvented. With NFTs, it is much harder if not impossible considering there is an actualized token that confirms ownership.

With digital audio or image fields on gumroad and teespring, the audios are unlimited and don’t have digital tokens. There isn’t something that confirms digital ownership.

That is why you can’t return our audios or image fields. Or any digital items in the internet for that matter.


but nobody answers back the following argument that the non NFT’s mandalas and audios also contained protection, psychic protection. It’s the same… Protected NFT’s are as much protected as protected non NFT’s…

If you bought NFT it will work for you and if you bought non NFT it will work for you. If you didnt buy nft or non nft it wont work (as well)

Can you say this is correct? So far only dr manhhattan said that this is indeed correct…


@CreateYourLife Are you even reading? Maybe you don’t know what circumvent means. Circumvent means ‘find a way around an obstacle.’ There are ways around the protection we have for non NFT items. There aren’t ways around our NFTs.

If that isn’t clear enough to you, then nothing will be.