Philosophical Thoughts

According to Derrida, deconstruction’s purpose is to expose the unconscious structure that governs any rigid form of discourse in order to make it fall through its own weight. No need to add anything to it.

This task could be achieved also through questioning.

By making questions that expose the underlying structure of any form of discourse in an atempt to undo the structure.

Lacan’s solution for this is the “Discourse of the Analyst”, a form of discourse that he borrowed from Aristotelian logic and serves the purpose to expose the nature of the “Master Discourse” , in other words, universal affirmative structures (generalizations, as you said) through particular negative lenses (discourse of the analyst).

For example, an obssesive neurotic patient may come with the next universal affirmative “All women are evil”, which has the form of the Master Discourse, one is taken as a slave by an universal affirmation that rules ones daily life and shapes ones experience.

A Lacanian analyst would use the “Analyst Discourse” by engaging in such universal affirmative with a particular negative: “Not all women are evil” and exposing to the patient how is it possible that not all women are evil through the patient’s own experience. Maybe by helping him to find examples in which women were not evil.

And therefore, allowing the patient to come to terms with his own castration, and accepting the uncomfortable unfounded and incomplete nature of his reality, rather than seeking safety on authorities and totalizations to make sense of his reality (TV news/religion/any form of Master Discourse)

IMO Lacan’s approach seems more effective than Derrida’s.

This happened because Derrida was a philosopher and Lacan had a bigger responsability in dealing with mental illness and issues of the mind.

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The main issue with the term “is” “are” or “be” is that presuposes a present state of immutability.

In which things do not change and are always static and still. That is how we were able to develop science, gadgets and technology.

This way of seeing the world as present and immutable is a pov shared only by Western societies, old Eastern societies used to see the world in terms of abscence and change.

I think the pure self would be an Ego that is not as dense and parasited by the circular retro-active trace of past/future structures.

A way more “light” Ego, which is able to draw compassion and love from the eternal void, but still an Ego.

Without any Ego at all we wouldn’t be able to move, orient ourselves, talk or do anything.

Yes, by undoing our dense Egos into more light Egos we are more able to flow and feel compassion, love for others.


Yes, it is indeed a circular issue.

Because society end up creating more “violent black people” by having the prejudice that black people are violent that ideologically parasites on people that are black and believe themselves to be violent, and then they find more reasons to justify why black people are violent.

It’s an ouroboros.

That is why dialectics and circular reasoning it is so important to adress those inter-subjective and social problems.

Lacan leads this conflicting nature of the human’s psyche and pushes it to its own end.

By concluding that the unconscious is what makes consciousness possible in the first place, we became conscious as an effect of the unconscious and viceversa.

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Hmm, I certainly agree that questions can help deconstruct beliefs deriving from these binary structures. Also, the right questions can uncover how you really don’t know what you claim to know (socratic questioning comes to midn)

Although, I’ll admit I don’t know how well just saying the opposite to what someone says will help deconstruct? If I say ‘all women are evil’ and a therapist says ‘not all women are evil,’ how exactly does that deconstruct that belief for me? That disagreement alone will probably make some people feel like okay, I’m not on the same page as this person and become more unreceptive to them?

But I guess you can follow up with some questions such as:

  • What experiences have led you to believe that all women are evil?
  • Are there any women in your life that you do not view as evil? What makes them different?
  • How might your belief impact your relationships with women?

And from then on, get deeper to the source of that massive generalization and deconstruct it in a way where it clearly doesn’t make logical sense anymore.


My bad.

I didn’t explain how Lacanian psychoanalisis works on practice.

I’ll try to create an example.

Lacanian psychoanalisis differs from conventional psychological practice.

According to Lacan, a psychologist confronts its patient from his own Ego, which causes confict and it is not therapeutical at all, but normative.

A psychologist atempts to push from his own imaginary and Ego what he believes that the patient should want, do or behave like.

This of course causes resistance, as you mentioned.

In Lacanian psychoanalisis, the analyst drops his own Ego before he starts psychoanalisis with his analysand (patient).

Dropping his own Ego means that the analyst assumes a subjective place in which he does not know anything.

By not knowing, the analyst drops all forms of assumptions about his analysand and this allows him to work directly on the analysand discourse and not on his own imaginary projections based on his beliefs and Ego.

This is necessary to stablish transference from the analysand to the analyst, which is the moment in time that allows the unconscious to manifest itself through the idealization of the patient towards his analyst, he sees his analyst as an authority and assumes that he knows how to cure him, although the analyst doesn’t know shit, he’s just aware of the position in which his patient places him on, and works from there to unveil his unconscious.

This empty spot that the analyst places himself into, it is called the Discourse of the Analyst, and it is just a subjective position that does not know and does not assume anything or takes anything from granted, from which it allows the patient to reflect into his own discourse, which most of the time it is the Discourse of the Master, because that is the subjective position in which the patient assumes that he knows and takes things for granted, which causes him to suffer because of his narrowed point of view of reality that stops him from other possibilities that allow movement and change necessary for a more healthy and balance state of mind.

The patient is cured when he is able to move from the Discourse of the Master to the Discourse of the Analyst, which makes him drop transference/idealization from his analyst and sets him a little bit more free.


Humans can agree a tree is a tree.

But the moment we try to define what a tree’s nature is, we enter subjective territory. There are so many possible answers and depending on the context, any of those answers can seem the most true. But given the infinite expansion of the universe and the many different possible trees that can exist everywhere, and the inability to know what it’s like to be a tree because we are judging from a humans perception… we can’t make a 100% objective assertion of what a tree’s true nature is.

So it seems that truth is the inherent perception of something without any sort of judgement. Any sort of idea of what it is. It’s the ‘it just is.’

(I’m just ranting philosophical thoughts lol, this ain’t a dispute. I’ve just been thinking a lot about this stuff lately.)


Too easy even. Most men do the bare minimum. Many don’t groom, dress nice, have any hobbies or artistic endeavors, have any interest in self growth/spirituality in the way all of you guys are (this is a very attractive trait) and that actually approach women in person (after listening to resilience field). These are simple things you can add to your life to set yourself apart from everyone else out there.

Are there sites that help guys find the best way to cut their hair, fix up their facial hair and also best ways to dress? Like something customizable in that you answer some questions on how you want to look, kind of style you prefer, ext… and then it gives you all the pointers and links to kinds of clothes and the right sort of combinations to have?

I’m curious to know if that exists because that would be super helpful to some people. Proper grooming/clothes makes you very approachable and attractive. It shows you care and put in effort in yourself. But I know that it’s hard to just figure that out because we all look so different and the right answers will be different for all of us.


Yep, as you said, it is a double-edged sword.

As Heidegger puts it, most people in the mass are not ready for complex ideas and it can be harmful, here is an example:

Deconstruction was supposed to discreate rigid symbolic binary structures created by society (good and bad, man opposed to women, poor to rich, beauty to ugly, etc), to free ourselves from them.

All those symbolic oppositions we live in are prisons that limit our belief systems and capacity for expression to confine ourselves and others into identities (blacks and whites. Jews and Arians, etc).

As Lacan puts it, if a poor man on the streets believes himself to be a King is insane as a King who believes himself to be a King. Or as a man who believes himself to be a man, or a woman who believes himself to be a woman.

We all lack being and seek for identification/be something to feel safe/secure, which means that at core of our Egos we all are delusional and our existence is fictional.

But the mass took a complex idea like Deconstruction and used it to create more symbolic binarisms on top of old symbolic binarisms.

So, more prisons and more identification.

This led to Hollywood stars to declare themselves to be “Non-Binary gender” or “the opposite gender”.

Which is a paradoxical intention to “pseudo-deconstruct” gender by opposing “Non-Binary gender” to “Binary gender” and therefore, creating MORE symbolic oppositions, more identities and prisons.

Which confuses people even more, and creates anger and more conflict.

I see where you are going, I’d say there is no truth without a perception to be held by it.

IMHO being present in the moment is getting rid of all truth from your subjective experience and being able to experience without any form of truth to shape, limit, determinate and create reality for you.

Truth is like the cancer of the Ego.

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Yes, most men are more dead than alive.

They lack passion,drive, energy…

Living day in, day out, with no long-term goal, no vision, and got comfortable with that.

And drive is essential for change and attraction. being “reactive”, charged, awake…

I´ve never went out to chase women.
But when I was in my old training, I was absolutely on fire man, so passionate about the topics there!

Even while pmo-ing, I was so freacking confident bc I was in an environment where I was appreciated and rewarded for doing something I am naturally good at and love doing.

That made me one of the best of my training and that was the time where I attracted the most women ever in my life.

Before that I´ve never had one openly flirting in the classroom with me while others getting jealous lol!

Also, because a lot of guys are concerned with their height, it doesn´t fucking matter.
She was like 2 heads taller than me and still approached me constantly.

That was before I´ve found Subs and fields! I was just a fat, socially akward nerd who happened to find his passion.

Find yourself and something you are wild about, follow it. The natural confidence that comes as a byproduct will radiate from within and attract more than enough women.

Very true. If a woman is serious about you, she will appreciate this.
Even if you are a mess, don´t have a buck in the bank etc. you have the growth mindset.

Although I don´t know the name anmymore, there is.

I´ve used to have a friend that bought his clothes from a german(?) site that worked like that. They made “style-packages” based on your answers, body type etc. and he was usually very satisfied with the results.


Sounds like a good idea

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Hmm, so in this sense, the undoing of the subjective self (ego), brings about the pure self. The pure self is rooted in what ‘is’ and so truth becomes the natural flow of being and understanding.

Agreed. We build mountains of masks out of the truths we hide below the surface. To speak your truths, live in them and accept them and live in them is full integration.


This is also a major theme in TLOU.

Here’s also an amazing example of well executed Deconstruction through cinema by exposing the contingencies and basis of racism in the US:

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At this point we could rename this one to


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Yes. Thanks for putting in to better words than I could. And that always bothered me even before reading the book because I always felt the univese isn’t static and is always subject to change.

Oh yeah, that’s the goal. Ascension doesn’t rid you of your ego. It just rips off the layers of the limited 3d space/time ego that thinks in that circular past/future structure, and uncovers the ego that is rooted in the present, connected to what is and has free will.

A thought I’ve been having lately is that under the typical human ego structure, we don’t have free will. We always act in accordance to the rigid structure of our minds. The way we react to things is already predetermined. Your mind is only working within a certain set of possibilities that you have subscribed to based on your beliefs.

When you deconstruct these rigid structures, you become open to everything. Open to all possibilities without being closed to a certain set of them. And in that mental space is where you can freely choose for yourself.

For real. It’s a collective-self fulfilling prophecy. Perpetrated by society and obviously black people in these sorts of communities. The stories they hear growing up. The kind of toughness you have to raise your kids with to defend yourselves against other violent kids. I grew up with black people and saw it all happening from very early on. It’s a vicious cycle and truly the only people that can get them out of it is themselves. Society isn’t going to help.

Ooh such a good show with so many consistent themes throughout. I don’t know if you know the ending yet but I’ll wait til then to talk more deeply about it. The ending raises this question and other moral questions so well and I can’t wait for the internet discussions that will revolve around it.


Yeah… I’m gonna move all these posts to a new philosophical thoughts thread lol. Anyone looking for drama in here is gonna be super confused :sweat_smile:


You got the right attitude and if you’ve had that pattern before in life, it helps raise the belief that success in these sorts of endeavors are possible. I feel for guys who have never had any such success and are told by guys like me ‘you need to believe!’ Lol, I get why it’s hard to believe when life hasn’t given you a reason to believe so far.

But yeah, it’s hard but that’s why I think working on yourself to the point where you gain some sort of confidence in yourself is so important. That training also pushes you to work through strain. Rejection is a strain that you become more comftorable with accepting when you are able to withstand lots of physical discomfort. Also, having things to talk about, hobbies and things you are enthusiastic of… also makes you more confident by nature because you have lots of things you’d love to share.

You got the right attitude brother

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Oooooh, I agree with this wholly. I have always felt that a therapist/psychologist should have no ego when dealing with a patient. It is through being their mirror that their unconscious can manifest itself.

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Damn… all these posts are all out of order :X

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Totally. That’s good writing and character arc.

Ellie realizes that Joel is lying to her at the end and she is willing to accept the lie without judgements because she cares. That summarizes and expresses the whole theme completely.

She understands Joel’s lack and she is willing to occupy the place of his dead daughter because she cares about Joel.

Beautifuly executed.

The rules that I follow are marked by a deep divide: there are rules (and meanings) that I follow blindly, out of habit, but of which, if I reflect, I can become at least partially aware (such as common grammatical rules); and there are rules that I follow, meanings that haunt me, in ignorance (such as unconscious prohibitions). Then there are rules and meanings I know of, but must not be seen to know of - dirty or obscene innuendos that one passes over in silence in order to keep up the proper appearances."