Physical Side-effects (e.g. hunger, thirst, etc)

I’m curious if anyone has noticed physical side-effects from extensive morphic field consumption and/or other energy work (subliminals, mandalas, binaural beats, etc)?

My use of such things has significantly increased since about August, and over this time I have had some positive results, as well as some negative changes that I am wondering might be related to increased system demands from “downloading” and processing all of this energy. It could of course be other factors.

I have been having symptoms like great thirst, inability to hydrate despite increased fluid intake, possible electrolyte imbalance, apparent anemia, below average baseline core body temp (I’m finding I tend to be in the 96-97 F range now), cold feet, sensitivity to cold, moderately dry skin. I drink quite a bit of water for someone who is only moderately active, and I have experimented somewhat with adding a bit of sea salt or potassium chloride, or both to my water.

I am starting to wonder if total calories and/or carbohydrates need to go up significantly.


same is here cells need more ressources water which drive oxygen and glycose to the brain, i eat like double what i did before i drink plenty of water. this is normal.

sensitive cold feet, moderately dry skin yes, takes breaks and everything will go to normal

with the energy couse this was continous for over a month or so. needed more sleep and more food.

basically all is this is normal, will not damage physical since you give your body what it needs

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