Planetary oils and time of day

Hello…has anyone tried listening to the planetary oils in its respective time of day? It’s seems to be more effective and enhanced!


Oooh, do tell us what you’ve noticed!


That is really a good idea, totally forgot about the planetary hours of the day! Will try.


Good idea. Can someone please share which oils should be used on which days and times. :pray:

I’ve used them all together at the same time.


I look up the time via It seems to enhance the audio exponentially more than playing it on an “off hour”


Thanks so much for sharing the link. This is super easy and helpful. Will give it a try.

I’m missing some of the oils. I’m not sure about using Mars oil since it seems geared toward males.


I just started doing this and so far the audio seems to hold even stronger power.


wow @johnscov1026 thanks for this! I’ll shall review this information

Suns hour:
sun is the luminary that governs ego identity self-expression this is particularly helpful for activities that are energizing activities that have to do with the illumination of who you are so if you have to like get in front of a bunch of people at a meeting or you need to you know pitch a particular creative project of yours sun is how we exude our light.

Venus Hour:
venus is the planet that governs love beauty pleasure and money venus hour is helpful for things that you want to harmonize.

Mercury Hour:
Mercury is the planet that governs communication intellect thought processes mercury’s hour is great for all sorts communications so emails, writing, editing, talking this is mercury’s hour hey any sort of you know conversations that you have to do meetings are great during mercury’s hour listening during podcasts during mercury’s hours studying writing papers anything that involves the mind and involves communicating you’ll likely get a boost when it is mercury’s hour

Moon Hour:
moon is the luminary that governs emotions self-soothing nurturing moons hour is helpful for any sort of emotional or domestic matter so during moons hour would be a great time to you know cook, great time to take a bath, do things that are nurturing you can find intuitive or spiritual practices are enhanced during moons hour definitely pay attention to your emotions that emerge during moons hour.

Saturn Hour:
Saturn is the planet that governs responsibility discipline and karma so for saturn’s hour it’s about working on responsible matters planning for the future being very disciplined doing things that you don’t necessarily want
to do. During saturn’s hour you can notice that you get a particular boost to just like handle it attend to the responsibilities that you have hold your commitments so saturn’s hour would be supportive if you’re signing a really important contract of something. It’s not the time that i would try to cheat anyone or anything as saturn is karma and it’s a great time to just uphold your commitments what you are you know responsibly dedicated to and to work towards it to work hard to put in your full effort and to be disciplined

Jupiter Hour:
jupiter is the planet that governs education expansion and luck jupiter’s hour is a boost of luck in the week.

Mars Hours:
mars hour mars is the planet that governs action, assertion, advocacy. Mars hour is great for muscling through ties that you don’t particularly enjoy. Mars is action it’s assertion it’s activity it’s your energy level so you can find during mars hour that you’re a lot more active and proactive. Mars hour is great for working out for getting stronger also great if you work in some sort of field where you have to sort of pursue… mars is the energy around taking action so during mars hour we can find we’re a little bit more assertive a little bit more proactive.

Tarot & Planet links

The “inner king”. All planets in our solar system revolve around the sun, which is the symbol of our basic nature; our whole essence comes from the position of the sun at our birth, which is reflected in our sun sign. The Sun is associated with a sense of power and represents our divine inner spark—the vital force that urges us to seek greater expression of our nature
Associated Tarot cards: The Sun, Strength

Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

No wonder it has been linked primarily to the Empress, who encompasses the typical Venus characteristics of love, nurture, affection, passion, indulgence and beauty.


As “God’s Messenger”, Mercury is linked to communication, reason and self-awareness.

Other areas of influence are languages, travel, transport, logic and intellect.

In the Tarot, Mercury is linked directly to the Magician, and it may seem obvious why.

It is the Magician, who symbolises the power of communication, presenting ideas, arguing a cause, making a winning sales pitch and so on.

The Magician creates Magick with words, including spells, mantras and affirmations. He is influential but can also be manipulating.


Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture, who was also in charge of conformity, social order and creating civilisations.

Saturn is ruler of Capricorn, hence the presence of the Devil amongst the Saturn cards.

Saturn’s prime attribution in the Major Arcana is to the World. In the Rider Waite deck, we see the wreath around the figure, which we can link to Saturn’s rings.

Although the World is a card of completion, achievement and self-realisation, the Saturn energy also suggests boundaries and limitations.

Additional meanings of the World derived from Saturn: the end of the line; as good as it gets; the need for self-regulation; maintaining of what has been achieved.

Saturn reflects our innate desire for structure and order, and in the Devil its energy is reflected in a hard-working nature, which can easily descend into slaving along in dull routines, narrow-mindedness and lack of growth.


Jupiter in the Tarot is primarily linked to the Wheel of Fortune, and because this planet rules Sagittarius, we can also link it to Temperance.

Although Jupiter’s energies are regarded as mainly positive and beneficial, it can also indicate challenges and setbacks.

The Wheel of Fortune makes this clear: perpetual movement brings change, not always good but sometimes necessary and mostly unavoidable.

When you are at the top of the Wheel, rest assured that at one point you will be moving downwards again. And vice versa.

Change always brings some kind of growth, new knowledge and insights – the silver lining in the cloud, if the change thrust upon you isn’t what you wanted or were hoping for.

And you cannot apply the brakes on that Wheel, because there aren’t any. Stuff is happening totally beyond your control.

Let’s take this further to Temperance. Here we see the angel performing some alchemy, creating the perfect mix from two opposing extremes to achieve moderation and harmony.


Mars is primarily linked to the Tower, and because this planet rules Aries, it also has an influence on the Emperor.

Mars, the “God of War”, isn’t just about disaster and destruction. Mars in the Tarot can also indicate beneficial energies such as drive, competition and ambition, which are vital to pursue progress and growth thus avoiding stagnation.

Let’s take a look at the cards that are influenced by Mars in more detail:

The Tower’s image is pretty clear about the malefic aspect of Mars; what we see isn’t pretty, and we can only cling to the hope that any damage caused can be limited or lead to the creation of something better.

The Emperor can demonstrate a range of martian personality traits, from the aforementioned ambition (in terms of the urge to conquer) and leadership abilities right through to dictatorship and tyranny.


Ooh…Mars is great even if you are lady. It helps with confidence and “standing up for your self” even if you are a lady


The days are the easy part because the days of the week in the Romance language-speaking calendar are named after the planets. (Monday from “lundi” in French, “Moon day;” Tuesday from “mardi” in French, “Mars day;” and so on.)

The hours are the tricky part because, depending on the system (and there are a few systems), they can be tricky to calculate. I’m glad @johnscov1026 shared their link because…math, amiright? :laughing:

That’s a good approach for balancing out your body’s energies.

I don’t know if you got that impression from the descriptions. (I haven’t played with them myself. Nor do I remember the descriptions.) You might like to know that Mars energy (and the oils are just a delivery method for the energy) is responsible for:

  • Taking action (including making decisions). It’s a wonderful antidote for anyone who’s experiencing unwanted or unhelpful lethargy for whatever reason.
  • Cutting things down (the etymology of the word “decision” comes from the Latin idea to “cut things down”).
  • Initiating things (such as starting a project of any type).
  • Defense (especially defending one’s boundaries or speaking up for one’s self).

Those are some of the “positive” aspects of Mars energy, which can be helpful for both males and females. Like with all things, there are also “negative” aspects to that same energy, for sure, but self-awareness and wisdom can help you sort which is which.


After a couple of days using the planetary oils, I will probably will never play them in an off hour and will always play them in it’s respective hour. That is how powerful this is too me.


Right now in the hour of Jupiter and it’s a delightful meditation! Love the Jupiter oil!

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Thanks for the detailed reply as usual! :slight_smile: I got that impression from the posts in the Enigma of Martian Jing thread so it seemed like it was more for men.

Did not know any of this. Super helpful to have it then. Thanks so much! :pray: