Plasma Charged Mitochondria (Album 4)

Quick tip: listen to plasma charged mitochondria before superhuman genius. In the last couple of days I’ve been doing it and I’m studying like a machine for hours. This seems to amplify the brain growth potential a lot, also giving a very clean and sustainable energy boost to support the active part of the equation (studying, reading, thinking, calculating etc)
I’m also able to recall the informations much faster and more efficiently, and I’m waking up energized and ready to go


Where i can find negentropic jing


If I want to use this in morning stack w/ Fat Burning Genetic Advantage and Superhuman Mutant, what’s the ideal order? Now I have them


either way its fine, if you put it at the start, it can create momentum and prime the cells for the other fields to act better and faster, and if you put it at the end, then id put FBGA first to burn, then SHM to transform that fat that was just released into energy to enhance your body by sending it straight to the mitochondria where it would be empowered and integrated

(came bk to say if i would have read your name before i wouldnt have helped with an answer :rofl: )


Ok, I see. That makes sense. Thanks. I will put this first in future.
Also, so many heathens ruining their pizzas w/ pineapple on this forum. Heartbreaking and vile :sob: :nauseated_face:

ps. :joy: :heart:


haha i knoww

My Italian ancestors probably revolte in their grave every time they see me doing it

They probably shout “ Dishonor on you! Dishonor on you and your immediate family!”

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lol one bite everyone knows the rules

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