Plasma Protocol

While that is true, there are some people out there who actually sell this audio because it’s no longer available…

Well, selling it for self-profit would obviously be a different story.

If you’ve been around the forum for a minute and seen certain things happen… threads that didn’t bear fruit… I’m almost certain it’s not for sale for these kind of reasons. Nothing to do with how it works

As much as I may like to think we are the chosen ones that will live to see the next century in

Edit - this is just my educated opinion


We were given perfection, but so many try to improve upon perfection by adding to it, which kinda defeats the purpose for this wonderful creation. So we might as well go back to using Plasma Light and add those same fields to it as we were doing.


Just curious, is there anyone who uses the 3 fields everyday?
And for people who need a lot of healing, have ye dropped the normal organ healing fields or would you also play them along with Plasma Protocol?
Would I be able to drop say, all the organ healing fields, Advaned Healing and Smart Stem Cells from my stack if I stayed persistently using Plasma Protocol everyday? :thinking:


Hi Seamie,

I have been playing all 3 fields from Plasma Protocol x2 in my health stack as well as the individual organs ones.

Been doing that for a while and I’m not planning on changing any time soon because I can feel all fields are doing their job so I want to stick it out in the long run.

But it very much depends on your issues, how severe they are and how your body would respond to so many fields at once.

Hope that helped a little.


In my opinion PP does not replace other fields but prepares the ground for those. In normal situations, long listening periods are not necessary because sometimes a week can be enough for a detox.
You can use all 3 every day, one a day for each type, preferably away from other fields.
My opinions only.

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Thanks Sophie :slightly_smiling_face: Ya I’ve been listening to a crazy amount of fields really, and I’ve been thinking that I’m more than likely not reaping the benefits of the fields I use because I listen to way too much. It’s just a bit of a tough one because all of the fields I do listen to (which is far too many) I feel I do really need because of all the stuff I have going on with me health wise. I’ll try each PP field x2 and maybe just keep in the fields for Liver, Lungs, Pancreas, Stomach, Kidneys and Adrenals for now and see how I get on for a few weeks. I’ve been having some constant pain in my Liver and Spleen for a couple of weeks now and I wasn’t sure if it’s a healing pain because ive been using Plasma Protocol and all of the organs and Lymphatic Effusion fields or if its a organ getting worse pain. I’ve been very tired and spaced out recently also but I’m not sure if that’s the healing working or long covid or something else going on with me. I can’t seem to catch a break. Definitely time to save up for The Eternal :crossed_fingers:t2: Just out of curiosity, do you get pains in some parts of your body or organ areas while using your health stack?


That’s a good idea to separate them from other fields. I’ve had them put in to my main stack, which is far too big as it is. Have you experimented with using Plasma Protocol at different times in the day to see is there a difference? I’ve been using them in my night stack which is what I have most of the healing fields in, but thinking about it now that’s probably not the best time to be using them. I should probably use them during the day while keeping hydrated to help with the detox :thinking:

Oh yes I do get random pain regularly whatever the fields I’m listening to actually…

But yes, it would be a good idea I think to select a few key fields to listen to in addition to PP.

I made the mistake of trying to fix everything at once by throwing all sorts of fields in my stack but I can feel better results now that I have narrowed down to those centered around the key issue and its consequences.

Still, if you’ve had constant pain, maybe a medical check-up would be a good idea just to rule out anything drastic.

Take care of yourself, Seamie!

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If I remember correctly, when I used them, I listened to one before breakfast, one before lunch and another before dinner. They are very strong fields, they induce detoxification very quickly and with very evident, even surprising effects, when you go to the bathroom. I also remember that once, listening to 3 different ones on the same day, I accidentally listened to the same a second time, I had intense stomach pains.

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Ya that seems to be what I have been doing. Then each time I reduce my stack I always end up putting back in the fields which I would have taken out because i always feel like i need them :roll_eyes: Finding Sapien Med has been a blessing but I wish I was I was in much better health than I am so that I would be able to experience and experiment with the fields a lot more. Trying to heal my systems and organs and energy bodies all at the same time is probably a bit too much to do at the same time. All will come good in time though :crossed_fingers:t2:

I have an appointment with my doctor Thursday. A few blood results came back but they never done a good few of them which needed to be checked so ill have to get them done, but my white blood cells have dropped more again, High MCV and MCH, Low Nutrophils and crazy high B12 but I had taken a course of B12 injections before hand. The strange thing with the B12 though is even before when I used to get the injections, my B12 would still only go just between the low amount and half way to where they should be so I’m not sure what’s going on now that it has made it go so high this time.
I’ve faith that it will all get sorted soon though, I’ve been trying to get myself better for 14 years, another year or 2 of trying won’t be too bad :joy:

Thanks Sophie, you too :blush:

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Oh :astonished: I’ve definitely been overdoing it so. I’ve been listening to each one x2 or x3 every day and the specific organ fields on top of it also :confused:
I’ll cut back to using each one just once a day so maybe, and prioritise the organ fields a bit better. I’m trying to do too much too quickly.
Ya the bathroom visits with the detox can be a bit rough, especially with Intestinal Cleanser thrown in on top of it also :joy:
Thanks for the advice man, I appreciate it :pray:t3:

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This is what I do. Plasma 1 in the morning, plasma 3 in the afternoon and plasma 2 before sleep.

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If I remember correctly, at the time of the release of this field, the indications suggested:

  • PP1 or PP2 or PP3, 3 times a day for a week
  • PP1, PP2, PP3, once each a day for (perhaps) a few weeks
    However, it is better not to overdo it, as these are very strong fields.
    Particularly recommended for those who need to detoxify well.

Because Plasma 1 works on bones, would anyone know if this means it also works on Bone Marrow? Should it help to regulate the Red and White blood cells?

The protocols work in a very broad way. In specific areas where I need healing I support them with other, more specific fields.


Thanks Bootcamp, I’ll keep going with the Marrow fields so :ok_hand:t3: I’m never going to get my stack down as small as I want it to be :joy: Thanks man :pray:t3:


(You will, as you heal yourself.)


so confusing which one is which?