Platelet Rich Hair (Patreon)

Was just about to ask you that. Thank you.


A dream come true! Thank you @Captain_Nemo, thank you!!! :pray: :hugs: :kissing_heart:


:partying_face: yes bro :gift:




Yep, My Hair needs this!
My Hair (and I) thank(s) you, Captain! :pray:


This field is gonna save my ass

I have my sisters wedding coming up in August

A date with my lady in December

Can’t wait to see the amazing results, all I ever wanted was more density (I already have good thickness), but wanted more coverage, and this is the perfect tool for that, gratitude @Captain_Nemo


I just wanted to know, is this safe for people who clot easily who are on blood thinners etc.

Does it thicken all the blood or is it only affecting the scalp



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I know it’s targeted to scalp but I don’t know if the blood is thickened first and then sent there

Does that make sense

I think it’s just an automated process all already done and sent directly to the scalp

This is a tricky question. I don’t know that the “platelet-rich”-ness thickens the blood. The PRP injection is thicker, because of the processing to make it “platelet-rich,” but I couldn’t find a contraindication for the physical PRP treatments having to do with blood thinners. IOW, (and I may be mistaken here) it doesn’t seem to be a concern that the physical PRP might have systemic effects. It seems (to me) that the PRP stays localized near the injection sites for the physical procedure,

In my (brief) research, I didn’t find any concern about clotting, not in the scalp, not breaking free from the scalp to travel elsewhere in the body, not in the rest of the body.

And since this is a morphic field (rather than a physical treatment), the specific line from the description that has been already shared with you keeps the field’s effects to the scalp.

If this answer doesn’t help you and if you feel comfortable answering, what’s your concern about clotting?


No that helps thank you very much.

As for my personal situation I’d rather not elaborate too much as there’s more that I don’t know than that I do know. But Im glad to hear this is localized to the scalp only thank you for your detailed answer.

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I understand.

The tl;dr is if you have concerns and your situation could be serious (I mean, I think blood thinners are pretty serious, but what do I know?) then I wouldn’t risk it, until you’ve asked your doctor about the risks of undergoing the physical procedure. If they sign off on the physical procedure, I (personally) would take that as a green light for this field.


That is excellent advice and I will relay the information thank you


just want to confirm if this is a tier 22 patreon field?

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Both $22 and $4.50 /month


Partially true, my friend. PRP therapy only serves to regrow new hair, but doesn’t remove DHT or addresses the underlying cause of MPB, unfortunately. Regardless of that, the combination of the hair loss field (which tries to prevent the progression of MPB or any other cause of hair loss), and PRP field should target the problems from different angles.

Another clinical observation was a change in the patient’s hair color from light brown to dark brown. The author hypothesized that this change in pigmentation may be due to significant numbers of hairs rapidly transitioning to the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle. As a result of this shift, there was an increase in hair shaft diameter and an apparent darkening of the patient’s hair color.

Hair color helps too☺️


Research says otherwise, every article I seem to have read says it helps androgenetic alopecia which is androgen related (dht/test)

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