What are the fields to use only to vibes increase if you have already done some work for limits remove or also fear, anxiety, guilt, shame and so on?
also I would recommend posting questions like this under “Ask for Advice” rather than “General Discussion”
If you were also to include 1 audio of your choice between the Vibration and Soul Restoration series, which one would be fine?
I personally dont have experience with either of those series, but I have found this audio to be very valuable
- Aura Clearing
- Chakra Growth
- Vibration Series
For Aura Clearing I would recommend the one from divine.tools, clears up heck ton of junk rooted deep down in your system. I’m currently using it myself. Have used auric cleansing audios from other creators but I find this one the most effective.
For chakra growth I recommend dream’s energy awaking course. Go through the entire course. Even if not, the body primer + energy sensitivity will do the job of clearing + expanding/growing your chakras really well. Individual chakra audios are also available on gumroad if you want to check those out. I have used both and I’ll prefer the course ones over those any day. Just a personal preference.
Vibration series are a bit advanced and are the most effective when you’ve already gone through the process of clearing your aura + chakra growth. They can take your vibration to even higher levels. They’re still useful at any stage that you’re in but personally I feel like you should start from the scratch. Even I was in a completely different state of mind/vibration around 3 months back until I listened to the exorcism audio which forced the negative energy buried deep down in me to resurface and I am now starting over again. Currently I myself am not using the vibration series and all for now because I have them reserved for later as well as the Kundalini Vibration audio(oh boy am I waiting til I feel like it’s the right time!)
Excluding VOC, what other field could you suggest between the Vibration series and Soul Restore?
What do you mean by that? I would recommend all of them. Won’t say one is better than the other especially when it comes to soul restoration series because they work on different areas. Out of the vibrational series I like VOT the most, then VODL & VOC after that.
In addition to the suggestions in this thread, Raise Your Vibrational State is meant to do this.
From the description:
This is designed to raise the vibrational state of the listener, it will have a compounded effect but it is not permanent, which means that, while this would directly work on changing your vibrational frequency to a state higher than what you started at, it is really up to you to make the mental, lifestyle, emotional and even physical changes required to maintain that state, otherwise you would simply go back to your normal state of being.
It is good to become slowly accustomed to higher states, makes it easier for you to mentally accept it and feel comfortable in that state.Keep in mind raising your vibration can sometimes bring up things you need to work on in order for you to keep progressing.
So, summing up:
1 Love, Gratitude and Appreciation
2 Hope and Happiness
3 Uplift Yourself, People you meet and the world
4 Mindfulness
5 Energy Body / Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
6 Chakra Growth
7 Raise your Vibrational State
8 Uplift Yourself and Those around You
Is that okay?
The playlist is okay.
I’m also trying to raise my vibrations and for 2 months now, I do the Reiki Star Exercise daily ( From the description, this is the original Ascension Field ) and listen to Angelic Vibration version 2 (Patreon/YouTube) for 3 days now. From one user who allegedly asked Sapien on the latter, he said that this is stronger than the Raise your Vibrational State one and as per its description, the results may become permanent over time.
Be careful with this one, it removes all the effects of fields you listened to 4 hours prior
It’s Ok?
1 Energy Body / Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
2 Love, Gratitude and Appreciation
3 Hope and Happiness
4 Uplift Yourself, People you meet and the world
5 Mindfulness
6 Chakra Growth
7 Raise your Vibrational State
8 Uplift Yourself and Those around You
Repeat this playlist every 4/5 hours?
if i used hyperbarric oxygen and then deep aura cleanse is the hyperbarric oxygen then gone ?
I think this is a pretty solid playlist. I would probably just shoot for twice a day (like morning and night), but I suppose as long as you dont feel overwhelmed then you can listen as much as you like
Yes but the oxygen that has been added in your environment will stay
So you’ll lose the benefit of absorbing oxygen better
how long does that oxygen stay in environment? a whole day?
Vibration of Transcendence can be substituted for one of the above or is it still too strong?