Pleurisy To Replace Lung Fields

Hey I’m just trying to sort out my stack and make it as small as I can and I was just wondering, would it be ok to remove Lung Inflammation and Lung Restoration fields and just use the Pleurisy field instead?
It seems judging by the description that the Pleurisy field works along the same lines as both Inflammation and Restoration fields. Or would it be best to keep all of them in?
I have Sarcoidosis in my Lungs and fluid in my left Pleural Cavity so would it be best to keep using all 3 fields or would Pleurisy field do the job for all of it? I’ve a nasty flu at the moment so I’m looping Virus Disruption and trying to fit a few other fields in also but keeping it small.
Thanks in advance for any answers or recommendations :pray:t2:


pleurisy does replace the lung restoration field

the lung antioxidant (inflammation help) uses different techniques to remove inflammation

it’s quite short so I would use pleurisy and lung inflammation if i were you

also i would focus on these

yes the virus disruption and all the rest that you may be listening to would help BUT your lungs and breathing are the most important, if you heal these you’ll heal all the rest as well

pleurisy is also quite loop friendly, the music is not loud and rather peaceful, it’s a great field to use when going to bed and you can leave it on for a few hours, if you would rather have only a “beeep” sound you can use the first lung restoration field (on patreon)

+> so use pleurisy for a few hours each day/night and the rest you can use a couple of times each day


That’s great. Thank you @PowerUp for your help :pray:t3: