Point of no return question

So I’ve been listening to the original point of no return stack(4 videos) for a week now. Today I replaced the exorcism video as its recommended to be listened to for 7 days with the emotional release video from the optional videos there. My question is if i can add other videos non related to the point of no return stack, to help me with some of my issues. The fields I’m considering are related to health (eye regeneration) and a video regarding money/wealth , not sure which one maybe you can advice me on that too.

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Sure, you can do whatever you want.

The thing is, when we feel the need for the PONR stack (no matter which “generation” we’re using) we’re often not in the most receptive state for other fields. At those times, our challenges (and our attitudes and reactions to those challenges) prevent other fields from helping us in the ways we read about here on the forum.

Think of it as living in a messy room–a really messy room, like a pigsty. Sure, you want to live in a nicer room. I get it. But with an actual room, you understand that you just can bring new furniture in a long with the old furniture and you can’t lay new carpeting down on top of the old carpeting. You know you’re much better off when you first clear out and clean your room, and then bring in the new furniture and carpet and fresh paint.

Can you play new fields? Sure.

Might you have cleaned out your room enough for them to work? Maybe. Or maybe they’ll just work a little slower because you haven’t cleaned out your “room” enough yet with your PONR. None of us can say for sure for you, because we’re all different.

Now, the fields you’re mentioning really are separate from your “stack” (in terms of their goals and operation) so you can play them separately from your stack. Because they’re separate from your stack, there’s no added benefit for you (beyond, maybe, convenience) in adding them to your stack.

Play them at the end of your stack or give yourself a little break and play them at a different part of the day with some of the assisting fields from the How to Create Great Stacks thread.


So it’s probably better to focus only on the point of no return stack for at least a month as that’s what recommended in the original post for most videos except subconcious limits removal which is a year and the exorcism video which is one week.

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The recommendation in the original blog post was a general rule of thumb, for the general population. As I said above, everyone is different. Maybe that rule of thumb is accurate for you, maybe you’ve past your PONR much faster than others.

Part of getting the most out of these fields is learning how they work for you and learning what your signs are for you. Your PONR stack will help you a lot in learning that, as it clears away your clutter and other things which dull your natural perceptions of energy.

And you don’t have to rely on “energy sensitivity” to find out. How is the PONR working for you? Have you moved past your own PONR? If so, that means you’re clearing out your old room! (And if not, well, keep doing what you’ve been doing. You already have the solution.)


Thank you for taking the time to write such thorough answers. You give great advice and I really appreciate it.

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