Point of no return tired/dehydrated

So I have been listening to the point of no return playlist for 5 days now. Since day one I notice myself being really tired all day, and feel dehydrated (dry skin). Is this common?

I wouldn’t say it’s “common,” but being really tired can be an indicator of two key things you may want to pay attention to.

The first is that it might be an indicator that your listening might be too much for your current energy system. IOW, your tiredness is an indicator that your listening is having an effect. Isn’t that good to know?!

You don’t tell us much about your listening of your stack (such as how many times you’re listening to your stack, how many times you’re listening to each field within your stack, whether you’re listening to the simplified version of the PONR stack from the website or whether you’re including all the suggested optional additional fields, etc.), but a simple “fix” might be to cut back on your listening (say, to 1 time a day for the simplified stack) at the beginning until your energy system to get acclimated to the changes that are happening for you. If you give us more details about your listening habits and your stack, we can offer more personalized suggestions to you.

The other thing your tiredness might indicate is that your ego might be putting up a fight to the changes that are being made. The good news there is the “…changes that are being made” part, again!

For this, make sure that you’re listening to Ego Dissolution at the beginning of your stack. (Again, we’ll need to know more about your particular stack to give you specific guidance as to its best placement within your stack, so please share that, if you’re comfortable doing so.)

Within the PONR (or perhaps it’s the FAQ/How to Make Sure the Fields Work for You) post (and many other places on this forum and the EnlightenedStates site, there’s the suggestion to drink lots of water when you’re listening to all of Sapien fields. There are many good reasons for that. So, make sure you’re really drinking LOTS of water (which is hydrating and not coffee, tea or soda, which are the opposite of hydrating) as your fields *are doing their work".

Hope that helps.


Read this my friend, they are very good tips for the common tiredness if you are just starting out.

And especially to boost your energy systems and strengthen your aura, use more of the star exercise as you use the PONR stack.
And if you do not understand a topic you are always free to use the magnifying glass in the upper corner of the forum page, if there is nothing related you can ask. : D

Edit: Oops I forgot I’ll speak English here lol.



How much/what are you playing?

You can play them a bit less, or start with only the aura clearing + exorcism audio + SLR a couple of times.

I think exorcism is only for 2 weeks, then you can add one more instead of that one.
2 weeks later you can change the auric clearing to another one (and play clearing only for maintenance).

For tiredness you can also use Jing from energetic alchemy (three treasures album)
And drink more :)

Hey, so yeah here is my stack. I gotta admit today I’m feeling a bit more awake at least. The days before, I was so tired that I needed like 10-12 hours of sleep. :laughing: I still feel dehydrated, although I only drink water, I might have to drink more indeed.

I already have the ego dissolution in my stack, but not in the start as I mentioned in my other post that I use the energy cleaning at the beginning of my stack :slightly_smiling_face:

Here is my stack:

  1. Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning Once in the morning
  2. The Exorcism Rite Version 1x in the morning, 1x at night
  3. Ego Dissolution Once a day
  4. Subconscious Limit Dissolver Once a day
  5. Love, Gratitude and Appreciation Once a day
  6. Trauma Release and Healing Once a day
  7. Forgiveness and Release Once a day
  8. Emotional Release Once a day

Thanks, those are great tips! I am feeling a bit more energized today so it might have been something I needed to go through. However, if I feel like I am extremely tired again the next few days, I will try to add that Jing. I am sleeping more than enough, too much even lately because of the tiredness :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

Hey! Ye in the description it said to listen to Exorcism for a week, but today is just my 5th day of listening. I see more people recommending Jing indeed. I might try that one for sure if I wake up tired again tomorrow!


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Thanks for sharing that. It seems (to me) a nice, measured version (certainly compared to mine, where I threw everything, including the kitchen sink, into my version :laughing: ), without being spammed or looped. Good for you.

There you go! That’s more progress and more indication that your fields are working for you and that you’re acclimating to your fields. I think that’s more great news.

One thing that did come to my mind is that you might want to add The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach to your stack (I’d put it after SLD, if it were my stack). PLIBB (I’m being lazy today) was released after the PONR blog post was written. PLIBB has a thread here on the forum, where you can read more about it. When you do, you’ll see it’s for every issue that we’re working on. (I, inaccurately, label it as a booster in my own mind, but it’s really way, way more than that.) You’ll also see that it generally has a tendency to be energizing, which would be really helpful with your experience. (Just don’t play it at night. You don’t want it to disturb your sleep–although once you’ve acclimated to it, you probably could sleep with it playing as I do.)


So 2 weeks in after starting my PONR stack,
I noticed that everytime I listen to the Energy body aura cleanse audio, I get extremely tired from it. And the dehydration hasn’t stopped either, even though I’m drinking 2 liters of water a day. The feeling is right annoying.

Should I stop listening to the energy body aura cleanse? To see if the symptoms go away. Or is it detrimental for the PONR effect?

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