Positive Health Signs From Blood Results

I wasn’t sure where to write this but it’s just something I would like to share to shine some positive light on the wonderful fields, NFT’s and so on that we are blessed to be able to work with.

I had a full blood count and some extra ones done 2 weeks ago just to keep an eye on things because of how all over the place my bloods always are due to my health issues. Mostly everything in my bloods would either be too high or too low, I’d be put on this tablet and that tablet, get this test and that test done and still no signs of anything getting better.

I have been doing a lot of work with Caladrius over the last few months which has been very rewarding. I have the Eternal and Captain graciously gifted me Plasma Flaunt because he knew about my health issues that I have for so many years and that nothing seemed to be able to get me better (I’ve tried absolutely everything) but Cap mainly gifted me Plasma Flaunt because he is an amazing, kind and caring human being who wants to see me and many many more get better in all aspects of life.

I got my results from my bloods yesterday and EVERYTHING was in range of where they were supposed to be. The last time I saw that was probably when I was 12 as a young whipper snapper.
My main culprits which are always really bad are my blood cells, especially my white blood cells, they have been non existent for as long as I can remember. They are now in between the range of where they should be, i honestly never thought i would ever see that again.
My liver: AST, ALT, Gamma-GT, they would be through the roof constantly from basically my own body attacking itself and putting my liver under immense stress, they are perfect now and all in range. MCV and MCH constantly always very high, they are in range now along with many many others that if I name them out I would be here all day typing.
Doing a rundown of my results which I got back yesterday, 22 on the list would always either be too high or too low, always, for years and years. All of them were in range. I honestly still can’t believe it looking at the sheets, I haven’t changed one thing about my lifestyle to aid in these results except for working very very closely with my wonderful Caladrius, wearing the Eternal everyday and listening to Plasma Flaunt. My blood results are 100% down to Captains wonderful fields and I am extremely grateful to have them in my life.

I know I still have a long road ahead to get to where I want to be but I have been seeing some very encouraging signs over the last 4 to 6 months that will keep me motivated to keep going and not give up on myself ever again.
Thank you Cap :pray:t3: :raised_hands:t3:


So happy for you @Seamie thats so nice to hear that you’re doing so well



Congratulations, @Seamie! :grinning:
Yep, Captain knows what he is doing and the fields are extraordinary.


Thanks Jen :slightly_smiling_face:
About a month or two ago I was feeling very rough and so weak and unwell for a good few weeks or month and I couldn’t put my finger on it why it was happening but now it’s got me thinking that maybe it was a healing crisis type situation that was going on with me.
I’ve always been a have to get worse before getting better type of guy so maybe that’s what was going on. I’m still having bad days and stuff but it’s all good, I just need to keep looking at the bigger picture, that there are obvious signs of things getting better and just keep my focus on that instead of the crappy days :slightly_smiling_face:


Congrats Seamie!

So happy to hear your great lab results.
This is what happens when U CONSISTENTLY use/listen to the fields (PF) and work CLOSELY with/interact with servitors/NFT’s dedicated to healing as well as daily wearing of The Eternal NFT.


Thanks George :grinning:


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Thanks Zuzu :slightly_smiling_face:
I’ve been more dedicated with doing a lot of work on my energy bodies and nervous system more recently and I feel that has been a big help with it also to help the fields integrate better. At the moment I feel like my nervous system is the best it has been in a very long time :raised_hands:t3:

Definitely :ok_hand:t3: Putting in the hard work will definitely pay off. Although I can’t really call it work, every aspect of it is so fascinating figuring out new things each day, it’s so great. And rewarding :pray:t3:


Congrats bro

Bless u


Thanks man :pray:t3:

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Am so happy for u man :raised_hands: