Positive saying always turns to negative experience

Hey guys sorry for the long post, I need some advice for field suggestions.

So, I have been dealing with this weird phenomenon for years now and everytime I say something good I always experience the exact opposite. For example

“I love so much my hair lately”
Soon my hair started falling and since today haven’t recovered.

“Tomorrow I want to go for shopping therapy because my back feels better”
Guess what, I’m on my bed crying from excruciating back pain.

“Wow, we are very lucky our son didn’t have to deal with a diaper rush like other babies”
That’s right, kiddo has been screaming bloody murder since morning due to an extremely huge and painful diaper rush.

These are some examples, but the problem is way bigger cause this is happening for every minor positive thing I say or even think sometimes.
It’s making me nuts cause I’m suspecting that I’m somehow manifesting the negative outcome? And how so? I’m speaking positively why my mind is twisting things behind my back? :roll_eyes:

I’ve reached to a point I’m afraid to speak. Has anyone ever experienced something similar? Do you believe is a very very negative subconscious behind all this?


You might have something that is called a “Psychological Reversal”.
It is a term from the Energy Psychology area.

Below are some links I quickly found on Google:




You would need to do your own research to see whether this applies to you.

If that is the case, I recommend you check it out and treat it with EFT tapping and trauma fields here from Sapien Medicine.


In addition to what Jaaj has recommended I would look at your core beliefs too. Your self concept.

You can find out what you really believe by monitoring how you feel when you say general positive statements about yourself and your life. I’m just going to make one up I’m going to use the example of “things are always working out for me.”

If you feel a strong negative charge when you say that, then you don’t believe that. If you believe that things are mostly negative or turn out that way for you then saying a specific positive statement one time can lead to negative results because the overarching belief, he more general, “bigger” belief - is negative so any momentary little positive statement can ricochet.

Also if you are in the process of changing your bigger, overarching negative beliefs some tomfoolery can happen as you are adjusting to the new beliefs. I call this the final curtain call of the embodiment of your negative beliefs. I would persist in the new beliefs.

My suggestion here is to look at your bigger beliefs, change them, then no matter what you see you persist. I would start small with something like, “wow, I hit green lights so often.” Something dumb that you don’t care about but would be nice if it changed (but be prepared for a traffic jam or two before the greens start rolling in)

Hope that helps :green_heart:


Thank you so much for the links and the information, I will certainly look into this!

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Idk, it has to do with your subconscious, so there are 3 possible solutions that I can think of now: fields, autosuggestions and subliminal messages; there are many potential fields which can/could help, but I would suggest to start with Point Of No Return - free stack, there are also other stacks like Jaaj’s self love and luck fields would be good as well…

Edit: add faith field and fields that have to do with positivity, perhaps even those that nullify negative planetary effects, from Dream Seeds (one of Captain’s/Sapien’s channels).


Wow! You really pictured me well! I can’t imagine myself saying “things are working out for me” and believing it :sweat_smile:

Thank you so much for the tip, I will start doing this from now!


I really appreciate your suggestions, thank you!

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I’m not sure if by editing my previous post you would see this so I’m posting a new one.

I looked at the psychological reversal and it very much applies to me I’m afraid, I can’t thank you enough for your help. I had never heard of this before and now I can focus on trying working on it.

Thank you!


Check your mahadasha! And what small Bhukti you currently on. And see which houses they are placed…

Certain planetary can do their malefic effect. Suddenly you gain something or losing. It’s all related to your placement.

And check your Saturn. Is it in good placement? Saturn represents bones. Gastric area. And hair.

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Thank you very much I will, although I have no idea about these stuff 😶‍🌫️

Show me your chart. I’m not very good with western astrology. So use Vedic chart. I will examine it for you.

Please e-mail it. My email on my profile bio.