Powerful Morphic Field Booster - Free

Do they respond to pms as Im interested in the approach?

I think I used Alien Intercession to get a fake vaccine certificate. Didn’t happen but I haven’t been asked if I’m vaccinated ever xD

Different things we’re talking about, I know. But I really love this kind of “manifestation”. Where the rule just doesn’t apply to you.


Smart Tap Tapper might pair very well with this.


Hello @Drexz

Is this working on NFT mandala?

Yes, NFTs are producing a morphic field, and these effects are boosted.


They NFTs are connecting you with the morphic field, but they are not producing it.

Also, since this is a discussion of third party subliminal, this whole thread belongs to the “Discussions about other Similar Channels” thread.

Also, also, never trust subliminals from anonymous shady creators on Reddit. Especially when they call themselves “Itsakid”.

The dude who created MOAB is called Synergeticboy and is also active on the German website Gutefrage.net. Reading what he has wrote there is just the same very basic stuff that common YouTube subliminal makers are also preaching, stuff that does not work in almost all cases.

This guy is an amateur in my opinion.
The fact that he constantly writes about his “5 years of experience with subs” just confirms this (because 5 years are nothing in this type of area, and especially when doing it as a hobby and not professionally).

Yeah, that happens with pretty much every subliminal and even basic affirmations that you tell to yourself in the mirror in the first few days. Then, after a few days the Subconscious Mind starts to actually check the new input and compare it to older core information and then usually people are forced back to their previous baseline.

It is more complex than this, but the results from those amateur subs are barely ever noticeable and in 99.99% of the cases not sustainable long term. Otherwise there would be Millions of teens out there running around and looking like Chad and Stacy while spending Millions on luxury lifestyle.

But since most people watch TV on a daily basis anyways, why would they mind listening to subs from completely unknown shady figures on the internet, right? Most people simply don’t care what they are putting into their minds :roll_eyes:

This is my personal opinion and I believe that whoever listens to this is very naive and has not done proper research on subs and the above mentioned creator.

The “product” that is being advertised here is not only a completely outdated approach but also comes with risks.


I wouldn’t go as far as to call him shady, I known him for a year and he’s always helpful and we spoke a lot with each other. Besides, I have a silly Reddit username, does that make me shady if I were to produce subliminal and giving advice to others?

He never claimed he was a professional, even I give advice and produce subliminal, because I want to help people too, he also wants to help people.

The reason why I am speaking for him is because this is a subliminal that is supposed help people dealing with lack of self love and feeling attached to the desire which helped people alot in the community and it helped me too. He just released it for the people to get help in this area. Same way some people just release or create things to help people.

This is your opinion, so I will respect that.


You raise an interesting point,
I don’t know a lot about the difference between fields and subliminals, so this comment really intrigued me.

Could you elaborate on this phenomenon of results dissappearing?

I have experienced it with some fields as well (got amazing results, but then the results fade, come - go, amazing results, fade… And the cycle continues)

Took a while but my forum troll finally found the thread and came to poopoo it lol. What an amazing contribution, what would we do without @JAAJ to save us all from having an open mind.

Claims to be spiritual yet is constantly getting ego triggered. Literally following me around and all my posts to try and put me down. Literally the opposite of someone with a high consciousness. I dared to disagree with the almighty JAAJ. How dare I.

Like you were told in another thread by another:

I can’t be bullied.


Dear JAAJ, I invite you to learn physical/vibrational radiesthesia, just google how to read personal wavelength with a pendulum, if you can get a neutral one that is even better. That way you can check the vibrations of anything in order to know if they are beneficial to your or others, as long as you keep a neutral mind you will get results that are not tainted by our mind concepts, you simply get vibrational results. This way we no longer have to depend in our opinions to find if something works or not. With time you might notice that this hones your own intuition too.

Physical/vibrational radiesthesia is what got me into Sapien in the first place. Unconditional love to you.


This is not about you. But about preventing people from harming themselves.

I do not care about you (anymore). If it happens to be that I reply to your posts negatively more often than others, then it is because, in my opinion, the stuff that you recommend on a regular basis is doing more harm than help.

And again, also, since this is a discussion of a third party subliminal, this whole thread belongs to the “Discussions about other Similar Channels” thread. It is also not “morphic fields booster”, so the thread title is completely misleading.

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Each and every one the Sapien Medicine self love fields is 10,000x more powerful than any YouTube amateur subliminal. Why don’t you simply loop the self love fields?

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Having used and reviewed, I think this is an absolutely fantastic product, and no one has even begun to tap its’ potential yet.

The real potentials here have yet to be discussed.


Glad you are enjoying it.

I am having amazingly fast results having it within my various stacks and using the Modules in a offline note app. I basically made MOAB 3.0 from the modules with including spiritual upgrades in it and focusing on all my specific goals.

And the price was just right on it!


Note: watch my section in the ES Marketplace subforum for the next day (two if I decide to add way more than I’m thinking of now) for a demonstration of just how powerful this could be if used correctly.

A very small starting suggestion.

Use it remotely for someone. Make sure to x yourself out so it doesn’t take the energy from you for the other. Add boosters for each audio times every other audio in the list. For example, Smart Reiki, Cho Ku Rei Full Reiki Empowerment, and something by DWL (she has great reiki videos).

The effect will be exponentially greater.

Wanna do personal unlocking?

Use Subconscious Limits Remover, Ego Dissolution, The Bush Medicine, and The Dreamtime.

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.


If you’re comfortable with it, can you share what you put in your modules to make them more powerful? I only did some basic stuff but I can’t be sure if it’s working or not.

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MOAB 2.0 Modules

{A} ={MOAB 2.0[ItsAKid(2023)] + full Morphic
field assist

  • Complete Personal and Spiritual growth assistance
  • Automatically gather, refine, and utilize energy from the environment to sustain morphic field enhancements
  • Full aura protection and energetic body enhancement/expansion
  • Remove blockages from Kundalini awakening and expedite the process
  • Fully open third eye and continuously expand all chakras
  • Improve psychic abilities and energy sensitivity
  • Raise vibration daily to a higher benchmark level
  • Full connection to Higher Self and guides
  • Attract more wealth and prosperity
  • Enhance automated workout fields
  • Increase intelligence
  • Full assistance of natural anti-aging and regeneration abilities
  • Automate and improve grounding}

{C} = {Priority Healing}

{C} = {Manly Muscles}

{C} = {Wealth and Abundance}

{C} = {Sleep and Lucid Dreaming}

{C} = {Ascension}

{C} = {Meditation Master}

{S} = {Manliness Sapien Medicine} x {Supreme Overlord [Sapien Medicine] (2023)}

{S} = {The Quick and Easy Muscle Cheat Sapien Medicine} x {The Muscle Roar [Sapien Medicine] (2023)}

{S} = {The Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity Sapien Medicine} x {Universal OM [Sapien Medicine] (2022)}

{S} = {The Mandelbrot Symphony Sapien Medicine} x {The Ascension-naut [Sapien Medicine] (2022)}

{S} = {Wealth Generation + + Sapien Medicine} x {Probability Alteration and Luck [Sapien Medicine] (2020)}

{S} = {The Plasma Flaunt Sapien Medicine} x {The Eternal [Sapien Medicine] (2022)}

{S} = {The Microkinesi-Therapist Sapien Medicine} x {The Acu-Automaton [Sapien Medicine] (2021)}

Note: looks like the formatting got changed on the forum when I pasted it and replied. You should get the idea though.


I was refreshing this site like crazy for your response lol thanks so much!


I have a technical question about this booster… While using it - should I listen daily to the fields and/or subs I mentioned in the script?

I wander how effective it is on fields you don’t actively listen to

It can be great to have the option to listen to fields every once in a while and still get results

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No problem, I had a busy day yesterday with a long drive so it took a while to add your request.

You can get as creative as you like with the modules and don’t need to feel like you’re doing it wrong. Your intention is powerful and your subconscious is intelligent. Trust yourself and the process of getting your power back!