Hello brothers and sisters…pls pray for my mother.she had stomach pains she tested but the doctor afraid of cancer…today will give the biopsy. Pray all you healers to be something else!!her name Is mairy
Thank y so much
Praying for you and your mother now…
I will as well. Stay strong, friend.
I’ll light a candle for her in a few minutes. We are with you brother…
Thanks to all of you.you are my family
Sending healing intentions.
Sending healing with the others
I hope she’s getting better
I love you so much guy’s. I hope for you the best!monday we will have the results
I am sure it will be non cancer. You are really make me so emotional with your fast prayers…
Join the meditation this Saturday and maybe we can suggest those who will be doing it to keep your Mom in thoughts, and sending energy healing i think it could be really powerful
Thank y Luna sister so much
I don’t really have time to come here too much anymore, but I’d just so happen to stumble across your thread right now. Sorry for what your mother is going through. I will be directing my prayers and positive energy towards her, as well as your family, during my morning prayers. Prayers are powerful my friend, and she’ll get though this. Keep your head up my bro.
Do you have sapiens energy course or book of cards? You can use their power to provide remote healing also…and if possible ask her to trust you and use sapien fields…
Hope it’s not too late, but sending my fair bit of pray’s to you and your mother.