Print mandla with colors without black

I want print mandla but my black ink empty and it is not availbale in store. Is it ok to print it with colors without black.


Hi @Modi,

Since it is said that black and white versions of the mandalas do work, I assume that your case would be ok too. As long as the black parts are not the main ones on yours (?) The most important aspect is to have the totality of the mandala.

You can test it once printed.

Maybe someone else from the forum will shed more light on this, in order to confirm.


why don’t you go to the photo center, print in any format? It costs cents.
It’s so beautiful and cool :))
Thus, I printed out several mandalas, and put the Kutsene mandala in a frame and put it in my workplace. At first, my colleagues looked at me as if I was crazy. :grinning:


I don’t know did you try it before asking, but If you use InkJet printer and only color cartridge(s), you’ll get exact color that you want to print. He will practically mix colors and make black one. You can just try to print some word document, you should have black letters printed as if you used black cartridge. I did it many times and it worked every time.