Project Stop Animal Abusers

Hi, I have a project in my head which I don’t know how feasible it is.
I want to stop Animal Abusers. Some of them are not just the random lone sadist, but organized crime instead. Some of those would be the Dolphin hunters in Japan. The whalers in Japan and elsewhere, the Faroe Island participants of the continuous massacre of Cetacea, dogfighters, bullfighters and more.
Some of this cruelty and bloodshed is for money, for tradition, for sadism, for ego and for other reasons too. The numbers of killed Animals due to human activity are way over 100 BILLION a year, excluding marine life. That would be in the trillion. Impossible to calculate exactly.
I have been thinking I would need a servitor to stop these guys… or maybe many of them… and who knows what other methods. Participation of more than one person in this would be also a very good idea.
Is anyone interested in this? or any ideas?


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Wtf did i just read(lunas post btw)



No idea. It is deleted.

Thank you. I have used you FTP. I find it is very powerful. But when it is large groups it does not work very well for me. I need to do something different so it works all the time. I am not sure I know what I am doing wrong yet. I have not tried QI yet. Thanks for the link.

To answer you deleted post which I got in my email. Yes, I am vegan. Obviously. You cannot say you love animals and harm them too.

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I just read it in my email and answered her.

You are stirring unnecessary shit

I would suggest not concentrating on them but on people who approve / give attention and money etc.

Stopping the killing is like saying you want to stop cocaine production to stop addiction. The issue is the consumer, if there is no demand, the supply goes down.


Maybe a more effective and efficient way to go about this is to create an egregore (very similar to a servitor, but kind of a group spirit) which sends a moment of clarity to people whose thought-processes indicate that they are about to harm an animal.


I agree with the consumer part! The problem is practical. How do you influence 7.8 billion people?
I think what you suggest is a long term project , beyond our lifespan. We could certainly start a project in that direction to be continued by younger generations at some point. But we also need a short term more immediate and efficient project. Also keep in mind that some abuse is not about consumption of body parts. ex. vivisection/ animal experimentation would be just one example. The faroese slaughter in barbaric ways whales and they say, traidition and food. yet many bodies are hidden and rot away… same in Japan. And there are thousands of tos of whale meat in fridges for lack of demand yet the industry is kept alive. It is a complex issue. It needs to be approached from different angles. The thing is , how?

Interesting idea! One egregore though? is that enough? And how do you create one?

That’s awesome, and funny at the same time :joy:

It should certainly be enough. Actually, there are many egregores out there who have had a huge impact on humanity and continue to do so without most people noticing.
However, my knowledge on this field is rather of theoretical nature as I have started to get into it.
Dreamweaver is definitely the one to ask about this, since it is his field (pun intended) of expertise.


I bet he knows how to make one… Maybe we can tag Dream @El_Capitan_Nemo so he reads this And @SammyG too… :wink:

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Live meditation radio will help too and be easier.

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What is live meditation radio?

Sapien medicine live meditation radio.

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Do you have a link for this please?
And what is your idea of using this? To meditate collectively about the issue?

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