Prostate Health 2.0

Iron Gullet has been in my playlist for months :slightly_smiling_face:. Great field


Yeah man it’s amazing, also bro try some raw cranberry juice (unsweetened) and probiotics (a great one is the chobani probiotic yogurt —> Chobani)

These both could help lower level intestinal/abdominal/bladder/prostate/etc. inflammation

Also bro it seems like common sense but also add in the stem cells to bladder/adrenal/urinary tract (Stem Cell Targeted to kidneys, adrenals, bladder, urinary tract (energetically programmed audio) 2.0 - YouTube)


Thank you @Captain_Nemo


thanks a lot for this :slightly_smiling_face:

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the music is cooool :smiley:

nice nice :D


It’s making my whole stomach feel better on the inside which means my prostate was probably affecting me more than I realized. Also weird effect but uh… my testicles feel a little harder lol, wonder why?

Stubborness can get you killed!


Ahh, someone who’s cone to his senses. Good for you, smart boy!


To be fair I did say I was going to get it checked out… eventually :laughing:

You’re welcome.

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My prostate sends his regards

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So, are saying that you’ll give this v. 2.0 a whirl to set things fully in order? Sounds like a plan!

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Would this have any effect on spermatogenesis, maybe reduce the time for the same?

Only tangentially, if at all, because speamatogenesis occurs in the testis, different organs from the prostate.

It wouldn’t reduce the time for spermatogenesis (because you now understand that occurs in a different organ than the one this field directly affects). This field could influence the speed at which ejaculate is formed which, I believe, is a function of the prostate.

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I have been using this for a week so far and feels like my bladder grew stronger and has more capacity cause I drink a lot of water throughout the day and noticed I don’t pee as frequently as I used to and when I do pee it flows out effortlessly without having to strain myself. Also this is surprisingly putting me in a really good mood feel super relaxed and calm and I noticed my energy levels have skyrocketed even without even using negen jing or soul core never knew the prostate gland was so important


Two days ago I wondered about the possibility that the chlamydia infection reached my prostate (prostatitis). A few minutes after this query I had a mirror time confirming that there is a problem at this level. At first I thought it was cancer compared to the little pain in that area. It was while doing research on the prostate that I first saw the name “prostatitis”. It is said that a bacterial infection may be the cause. One of the bacteria cited on the site is … Chlamydia lol.

Its been over a year since I have it. This is why she had time to progress well to the prostate discreetly . Some symptoms of discomfort but which was spaced in time so that I was not worried .

It’s better now. Since I take home-made colloidal silver every day and support with the appropriate energy fields the pain has eased significantly. I think this combined will help me recover from this infection.

This field for the prostate (I am discovering it or … rediscovering it today :sweat_smile:) is a good thing to be able to take care of my prostate :grin: !!!

Thank you captain nemo for this very important field for men :relieved::pray::sunny:!


What is mirroring?

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The mirror hours 13:13 pm, 14:14 pm etc … They are signs from my angels and guides to indicate to me that I am on the right direction during my questions.


That’s for the patreon update, now I can queue this up and I don’t have to remember to press play again on youtube. I had stopped using it 2 weeks ago to finish what I was doing then, but started again maybe 5 days ago.

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Btw guys, I was right lol, @Captain_Nemo a nice extra effect of this field, is increased semen volume.


I believe in these fields and don’t want to discourage anybody. My husband listened to the old prostate field and his PSA went up. We tried this 2.0 version and while his urinary symptoms seemed to be getting better his PSA shot up 4 points in two months of listening. To be fair my husband (while he knows he is listening) is a bit skeptical as to the fields effectiveness. He tolerates it because he knows I want him to. It may have been that some things have to get a little worse before it gets better but we got scared and he stopped listening. Has anybody else had these kind of experiences? Also I apologize if this is a reply to a post when I wanted to make my own post but must have forgot how to do this.

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