Psychedelic enthusiasts group project

@Alexander my brother, here we unite!!


I wish you luck on your travels brother. There are always new lessons to be learned in every journey.


Hell yeah man thank you for your well wish :pray:


The good old days…
Interesting and fascinating subject…
One of our team members is into shamanic practices, but he’s on a business trip.
If he shows up, and if you don’t mind, I’ll recommend your group to him.
I wish you success, it is really fascinating
(I do not pretend, as the priorities are a little in a different direction).


We have recommended LSD and the like many times before

I’m curious if dream will actually make something like this :joy:


There is already a DMT field:


I am aware of the DMT field but I was thinking more of like a servitor to help us navigate through different psychedelic realms. Just like the Dragon golem is intended to help us navigate through the astral realm this psychedelic servitor can help guide us through psychedelic realms or tryptamine dimensions. It may even help us establish direct communication with beings from these realms or may serve as a meditator for that connection. I remember reading a book that talked about people looking for aliens in outer space but that no one actually looks where they might be and that is inside other dimensions or realms that we can tap into using our mind. Ill try to post a picture of the book.



Ugnis let him know to join us when he gets back, Would love to hear some experiences and input from like minded individuals!(=


I wonder why you want to experience the psychedlic “realm” if we already have options to enter the astral realm, which is a real realm?

What psychedlics do is that they are stimulating your nervous system and brain chemistry, allowing for your consciousness focus to shift to a different perception. This perception is mostly of the astral plane but through a big distorted filter.

The astral is more realistic than anything here on earth and what psychedlics could ever induce. You can also meet all the aliens there :slight_smile:
And we have even fields like the “Astral Primer” to help us get out of the body.

As an analogy:

Physical plane = black and white movie
Astral plane watched through psychedelics = colorful movie
Astral projection into the astral plane = full blown VR movie


Jaaj out of curiosity, have you ever tried a psychedelic before?


Yes, and compared to astral travel it was nothing worthwhile.

There is a reason why we forget before we incarnate on earth, because if we would remember our quality of life on the astral plane then most of us would flee the physical plane again as soon as possible.


I hear you Jaaj and the astral plane sounds awesome but I feel like you are dismissing the immense potential of a psychedelic servitor. Not everyone can astral project but literally anyone can take a psychedelic and have a life changing experience. If we had a psychedelic guide to help us it can literally take our experiences to the next level.


Okay, I see :slightly_smiling_face:


Not only that but if it had a node feature like the meditations/skulls we could all learn and download information on a bigger scale. The potential could literally be unlimited. I could technically learn something one of our group members learned on a psychedelic trip but on a subconscious level without having to actually experience it and vice versa.


Of course!!!
I’ll email him later. I can’t promise he’ll join, but I promise I’ll offer him.

(don’t think it’s cheeky, you don’t have to take these options, but I will offer you a few ideas for consideration)

Creates a virtual helper, guide and protector in the exploration of new frontiers and possibilities of human consciousness
a guide to a world of unique possibilities
opens consciousness in a subtle matter
the ability to create a personal shaman

There are so many topics. And base it on YOUR resonance.
The psychedelic experience has many unique and interesting traditions, a topic with enormous potential
Develop a clear concept
I believe in you


I get you man i haven’t been able to dive into the astral planes fully just yet only had a partial experience of my astral body only momentarily beginning to to leave my body so i don’t know what it’s like to astral project really

But the reason why i love using psychedelics as a spiritual tool is because it forcefully makes time slow down, bringing a halt to many of the egos patterns and there for heightening ones awareness to the internal world and how it reflects on ones outter world

Youre able to see things for as they are, if you have a lot of baggage you’re going to be made aware of it and it’ll give you good knowledge on what to work on when you’re back from the trip, or you can even work on that baggage with the right tools during the trip like with fields

Fields work exponentially greater for me when I’m on some LSD and some THC , probably due to an ego death or a very dissoluted ego.

When it forcefully kills your ego your able to recreate it in a better way if you know what you’re doing as well

That being said i will continue to put in the work i need to do with out psychedelics, so one day I’ll live life with the benefits of psychedelics with out psychedelics… But I’ll periodically delve into some from time to time to see what I can learn, see and to have some fun too :)


Awesome , include me @Meeko

I never tried it, and would love to experience this side of it


Thanks for letting him know. Just know that you and him and or anyone else for that matter are welcome to join! Also thank you for the input, I like your ideas and appreciate your input as it is inspiring me to think of some cool features too.

To be honest I was really excited to post this topic but also really nervous and hesitant because of the fact that people might not join. Its actually been almost like 3 hours and still don’t really have that many people interested where as other groups would be almost full in like an hour. Thank you for believing in me man it means Alot.


Great idea, can I join in?