Psychic stimulation benefits of learning new things

Hello guys I wanted to learn if there are some serious benefits of listening to the Psychic Stimulation audio from Gumroad in order to improve my learning abilities .I want to be better at programming and computer engineering. So could you explain me your experience with this field so far? Do you think it will
be helpful in order to achieve this goal?


Welcome to the forum @kostasorfanoudis!

I have been listening to this 3X daily for about a month now and there are good, pleasant results:

-I take spontaneous, spur of the moment actions without thinking about them and later, I find out that they were correct, beneficial actions for me in one way or another. It’s really amazing but it may be that neurons in the brain for psychic functioning are constantly created and connected as one regularly listens to this audio.

-Heightened intuition leading to windfalls (unexpected piece of good fortune) and favorable synchronicities happened several times.

-Most of the time when I listen to this, my brainwave really drops to theta or even lower, creating a deep trance state. Only recently, when I listen to this lying down on my bed, eyes closed, I sometimes see the ceiling of my room, objects or things for several seconds similar to my experience with the Astral Flight audio of Xtrememind.

So, I think listening to this daily will help you in one way or another in whatever you do. You can read the posts of this relevant thread here:


ok thanks ,I have already bought it and I had similar results. At first I believed that it is only a placebo but by the time I recognize it is not.