PTSD Help Combination

Ooh ai get it, thank you so much!!
Had an intuition that was it, but wasn’t sure (yet) :slight_smile:
Glad I asked though, thank you for the bonus ideas! :slight_smile:

Still, what would sealing KQC mean? I always top it off with something (anything, I got it as a booster), Grounding at the very least (I’m just in my 2nd week though)

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Hello @zea, I guess your questions have been broadly answered (side note: I like to play around with words, especially when it’s a foreign language. Feels like a game lol. But it can become confusing for the reader and not always be super accurate).


Although those from Captain are ideally dosed/crafted, Mstate elements can be overwhelming for some of us at times. They say Mstate Gold can “activate” dormant psychic abilities, levels of consciousness, etc. (paraphrasing also the dedicated thread), notwithstanding its balancing effects.

So I was probably referring to the necessity of some grounding field afterward (that’s what I used to do anyway and so do you, apparently).

And of course, as always: there are interpersonal differences. Some (prepared) people may be using KQC like hotcakes without facing any downside.


Thank you!


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In whose patreon i find this im really interested

Sapien Medicine’s patreon: click !

(and welcome to the forum, @Kevin)

How do you make a post here?
THX for the greetings :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to the forum.

You’re making posts here already! You already know how to do it. Yay!

Or was there something else you were wanting to know?

Like me starting a conversation meaning being the first to start a post

Click the new topic button and start writing!

Also im not understanding correctly. The PTSD sub is daily or after x days.
Also what would be the best stack for it so my brain starts to disconnect from everything.
Much love

Ahh, got it. You want to start a thread, do you?

  1. Find the Category that your new thread belongs in.

The Category are those colored blocks under the thread title. For example, this thread is in the New Release Category. You with me so far? You can find a list of all the available Categories by using that pull-down menu at the top of your screen

  1. Navigate (by using that pull-down menu) to the Category you want your thread to be in.

  2. At the top left of the page, there’s a button which reads “+ New Topic.” Click on that and carry in as you have been.

If you’re asking a question about a specific field, there’s a good chance that a thread for that field has already been created. Please ask your question about the field in the field’s thread. It helps keep our forum organized.

Have fun!

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This is the most beneficial field I have tried to date. My brain instantly felt relaxing to ease. So glad I signed up for patron. This seems like mythic status like the first commenter mentioned. I only used it once with the SGB version. I’ll try it again in a few days. Just wow. Thank you Dream.


It is remarkable! I use it mostly for weight loss , good mood and insomnia . It useful for just about everything!


Weight loss. Interesting. Has it worked for you?

I Think it helps slowly and steadily, by giving the body a break from stress hormones like cortisol.


I’m just here to share this wonderful result here:


PTSD field is an amazing help.

I got myself into situations that I would find the worst possible scenario months back.

I looped PTSD field 2x before the situation and 2 during, and it became neutralised.

I mean obviously this is something I need to dedicate myself during, like on consistent daily basis, otherwise I’d go to older ways of anxiety governing me.

Now the thing is, if you loop it too much, you’ll constantly feel these fears, traumas and anxiety resurfacing, so keep that in mind. I personally like to see it as fear detox where I am fearful in order to become fearless.

cuz kinda we do need to experience fear first and then overcome it in order to get fearless.

Its not easy ofc.

But this stack can help:

PTSD Help Field 2x (to get absolute reset of neurological traumas, fears…)
New Perspectives 2x (enhance positive experiences, may they overcome the fearful ones)
The TapTapper (as much as you want) (neutralises and helps to heal from any pain that comes to surface)
Flight to Fight (as much as you want) ( all above can leave you in a flight stage, as you pretty much got into lots of fearful states that resurfaced, now I reccomend to get that fight attitude going to keep on pushing to overcome traumas, fears, they should loose meaning at this stage.
Resiliance - Antifragile (to bounce back, keep pushing, overcome, “heads up stay alive”)


Thanks again for directing me here. I have been using the PTSD field as well, the outlook retrainer, emotional release, the chemical revision ones for (sexual) trauma, innocence, self love, parental love and childhood. And with your suggestions of adding spinal tapper and new perspectives, (I may also buy Flight to fight) I may have a perfect stack to work with now, without overloading my system.
And of course, I added the Antifragile ;)


I listened it because of some trigger’s and attacks happening …and now my jaw it’s painful ?

Im doing now treatment for jaw , I guess need to wait with PTSD at least a week ?

It’s crazy wild how strong ptsd help is man like cmon bro chill. I’ve done trauma and emotional release through various audios in the past but damn. Listened to it yesterday for 1 rep. Felt nice and chill. So i thought I’m prolly okay with 1 rep so i should use it twice. And today i did that, i swear i was in hell for an hour. I had zero awareness of what’s going on in my mind. I was so damn emotional to the point I couldn’t think a single thought. But oh boy, subconscious fears were surfacing all together, i was having unconscious thoughts like “ I’m gonna die poor”; “ I’m not made for relationships “; “ my whole like i will be struggling with money “ ; “ this life is not for me, I’m not gonna have a good life, might as well end it now” and i swear, i went to the balcony and just stared at the ground”. No wonder i am having a lot of trouble about these things. At one point i was sure i was possessed by something cuz i was in such hell that i couldn’t think to myself that ptsd help is causing this release. When it ended, i felt hopeful and calm, not completely but quite a bit. I automatically started thinking gratitude thoughts. Hell of a ride man. Thank god it’s over. One part of me is saying to listen to the field twice again tomorrow so i can get rid of the gunk faster but considering what happened i might stick to one repetition or might even switch to SGB lol.