Question about frequency, subs and field power and limits

Hello, I was curious about something. subliminal frequency and morphic fields can give us what we want. Well what I want to ask is. Let’s say we listened to a hormone boost like high testesterone subliminal frequency whatever, but there is protection affirmation against high testesterone side effects. Does this really protect against side effects? or does a frequency or subliminal that protect against disease protect us from being sick? I wonder what is the limit and strength. please help me.

I sincerely doubt that a frequency is able to mitigate all side-effects due mainly to one thing:

Not all of the people have the same consequences nor understand the same as side effects.

Imagine, for instance, high testosterone is increasing the hair loss. If someone doesn’t have the same genetical pattern of you, he/she will not have the same effect (presumably receeding).
Other might view a “side effect” as a lack of sleep…or even view high libido as such…

What for others is side effects for another is the primary effect they intend to cause in the first place.

As for the 2nd part related to being sick.
There are plenty of ways to get sick: physically ill, mentally ill, emotionally, energetically ill (depletion) and more… Do you believe a frequency by itself is able to prevent all of this?

The limit and their strength will be directed with your own inner resources. Nonetheless, understand that protection does not mean you don’t face consequences. It is like wearing a shield, eventually it wears out, does it not?

If it would be as such, we would only listen to one audio like “never get sick”. But what to some is a disease, for others is a cure.
Don’t mean to digress further, I believe you get the gist