Questions about energy cleansers and time duration

Hi @47dawn, welcome to the forum!

Difficult to tell. Listen to your intuition. Be consistent and use them every day, until your gut feeling tells you to stop with one.

Indeed, they help a lot, especially the The Deep Energy Body/ Aura Cleanse is extremely powerful. But be careful, it removes the effect from all subliminals and morphic fields, that you listened to 3 hours prior to starting the video. So ideally play it before any of the other fields.

After some time you only need to listen to it every week. From this article If You Have Reached the Point of No Return:

Listen to this audio every day in the morning for the next weeks. Afterwards, you can listen to it periodically. On a weekly basis like on Sunday morning.

If you have the time, then I would recommend to use the Point of No Return playlist for a few weeks. It clears your whole system and will improve the effectiveness of Sapien’s fields. So you will see results much faster.

Play it before the other fields.

Here is my YouTube playlist, with Ego Dissolution added to it:

Ego Dissolution + Subconscious Limits (Removal) is the official boosting combo. If you don’t have the time to listen to the whole Point of No… list, then I would recommend to listen to these first:

  1. The Deep Energy Body/ Aura Cleanse
  2. Ego Dissolution
  3. Subconscious Limits (Removal)

And then to your Regeneration stack!

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