Questions about the dream weaver psychic card system

After looking at the card and saying the name of it in addition to saying activate, how much longer do you have to look at it?

If it i have the image on my computer/phone how long does the image have to be on the screen?


You don’t have to look at it after you say it but I feel like if you look at it, it works better, and if you meditate while looking at it, even better so it’s up to you on how much you want to get out of it for the duration of the activated card

I’m not sure if it works on the phone screen like ik mandalas and sigils do as I am not informed but if they do then you would have to have the screen on for the hole time the card is being activated (for example attunement can be 30 minutes-1 hour, energy expansion can be 15-20 minutes I believe)


In my experience as long as you’re already say the word ‘activate’ the card will still work even if it’s not on the screen anymore.


The only card, where you have to keep the screen on is Sanctuary.

But you could just draw the sigil on a piece of paper. Like this:

Does anyone here know, if we can just visualize a place for the Sanctuary card/sigil and activate it, like we can with Eviction?

Never thought about that, gonna try that now!


How many cards can we use in a day/ how many times a day?

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There is no specified limit by Dreamweaver. You should wait for the time duration of one card (usually 15-20 mins depending on the card) to finish before activating another. See how you feel, it might be overwhelming to activate too many cards in one day, just like listening to too many audios can make you feel tired.