Random thoughts thread

I was being sloppy in my logic and I knew it. But you caught me.

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If uber gives haram then you good?

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I just took off my work shoes and put on my non work shoes. Iā€™m basically mister Rogers with vodka.


God wants the best player of games, she even admits she is lucy with ending Grimes - Player Of Games (Official Video) - YouTube

No man. One woman is about all I could stomach. I can read minds remember.

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Butā€¦butā€¦ Your real name is Atreides :sneezing_face:

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Read my mind.

Am I good person?

Tell me please tank you

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Tel plz thx.

Ow u one

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Lol. I donā€™t know what this means. Paul Atreides only had one wife. And she was a fremen. Maybe I could deal better with a woman on enlightenment drugs aka ā€œspiceā€. Maybe not though. Might be worse.

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Zenā€™s been drawn in by the gravitational vortex


This mouse keeps on flashing (red) and all i literally got to do is get some batteries for it.

messing up my DPI cause i canā€™t see the light setting on it.


I wanted to see the movie with atreides because of your name. I searched the name. But I never got to see it. I will see it maybe if I not be ok till night.

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People who say donā€™t lie donā€™t know godā€™s 10 commandments, 9th says donā€™t bare false witness against your neighbor, you can lie about yourself any day

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Ask aliens to fix ezpz

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Thatā€™s how batman keeps hidden

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Iā€™ll have to defer to a higher authority:
" none is good, save one, that is , God."
ā€œthere is none that doeth good, no, not one.ā€

But ok. Iā€™ll try.

Itā€™s such a vague question. That makes it hard. Define ā€œgoodā€.


Mostly good but you have a moral weakness. Itā€™s fear of taking action towards progress because you believe it will be rewarded with disapproval by someone whose approval you care about.

I pulled that out of the ether. Or my ass. You decide.

But I did give it an honest try. Zoned out into my subconscious and all that. To try and reach the superconscious.

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Itā€™s really generic. If that would happen it probably be an instance. I can see why I would do something like that but most probably everyone would see it.

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Say no homo right now you fool

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