Random thoughts thread

Sir yes sir

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RPing a ballas in SAMP is cool though


Never knew exorcism did that

Don’t stop thinking then

:+1: glad to be of help


its not I meant it removed the thing sucking it so the energy flow gets restored

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Thank you. Sorry I didn’t get back to you. I’ve been busy.
Just highlighting this for when I see it again :D


What :))

By the way, it might also be projection of some sort (and beings at the same time).
As in, who/whatever it is (and I get the feeling it can even be ‘self-made’ – or/and as in a fear or issue of yours might be ‘creating’ it or leaving an avenue open for it (usually something you have repressed), it seems like they would be using your vulnerability. Just as with computer science.
For some reason shielding doesn’t appear to always work – or perhaps it’s your HS/guides wanting to push you to inquire and resolve (and thus, they might allow it). Speculation.
So in my case, upon seeing such things, I had to start asking what it was, what it represented, where it came from, why. And down the rabbit hole. After usually getting to a place of acknowledging/resolving/healing an issue, that particular imagery might stop. Ngl though, there can also be fuckery involved. Speculating. Kinda fked up to have all these issues an individual human might have, plus baggage, plus messings-about.
So perhaps you might ask the angels or Michael for help in figuring it out. One thing at a time: ‘why am I seeing X thing’? Then keep asking ‘why’ to get to the root of it. I would recommend you do it with angels/Michael or someone trustworthy around, as the fkery might try to lead you astray (and it can even be your ego or your shadow). And I would suggest you start connecting with / feeling your heart as you do it (still learning), to stay grounded in it.

Ah, and it is also possible for it to be a creation of a hidden aspect of yourself (again, you would be surprised at how many ‘little things’ turn out to not have been considered ok by your soul). Speculation / Theory / Work in progress. If it is created by a repressed aspect of yourself (like, let’s say a deep pain), it’s as if you had censored that thing from your mind. And because it is censored, it might bring it up to the surface, but by beating around the bush (because you wouldn’t allow direct communication about the topic, even unknowingly). Seems like it might also be connected to the way in which the subconscious communicates.


Whatever you said I thought already miss Zea.

I came to those exact conclusions myself.

Might be self created, I remembered the tulpas you know.

Also it’s odd, shielding works one time then not as you said, lol. I was thinking about it this morning beforehand going to the funeral. It didn’t work.

But I played angelic intercession at the funeral and two angels sitted at the top of the chapel. Didn’t do anything specific just chilling above.

But all those things are said again and again 1000 times.

So good luck is the way.


All day good luck + angels.

Morning luck, night angels, midnight both, afternoon playing a but butt enlargement. To have a big foundation to support the luck of course.


What’s up people?


Random share

80 years old defends his life and his store with a shotgun, against armed robber! :clap::confetti_ball:

Viewer’s discretion is adviced:


Liquor Store Owner Shoots Armed Robber With Shotgun - YouTube

Now, that’s a though Grandpa right there!
Good Job!


Lol, “he shot my arm off” :rofl:


That’s right thinking there,in that quote.

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alright then…you right

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for what?

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obv those are the best xD

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watching an episode of star trek instead of an anime

i have a lot of food so it will take an hour to eat so better to watch ST

dude, I know. I had for easter present lighting macqueen. I didn’t even like the movie so I didn’t try it for 2 years (or maybe one, just saying to don’t lie, thanks). I had it from 12 to my 18 and I was smelling goooood

Now I have str8 cologne, what I found at the supermarket.

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i have enough from presents i will have for years xD

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