Reasonable Doubts about Channel URL

I am not here to critize anything, these frecuencies are obviously working. But, why the channel is called “”. Why do u call your channel like a movie that is about vampires who drain psichically people? Sapien is also relationed with other channels like dream seeds and another ones that seem legit. But come on, it is a reasonable doubt. Anyone has an answer about that? Love and respect for everyone.

Believe me, Sapien Medicine is as safe as possible channel then others you will ever find, but it’s your decision in what will you believe

And you will find your answers regarding this in comment section of this video where Sapien answered most concernings about this stuff

Thank you for time. Anyways, whatever the true is, it will made us free.

There are some links to a discussion where Dreamweaver explained that they had a group where they would teach people advanced energy manipulation, for example taking in energy of the environment and making it part of one’s system. The concept sounded like vampirism and thats why he called it project vampire


Sapien said that he used it like that because when the channel was first created the twilight series was famous so people were into vampires but now its all different and the url cannot be changed because YouTube does not allow it