Recommended Muscle Gain Stack for Teens?

I am 17 years Old and I just started working out for the past week. I wanted a recommended stack to gain muscle mass and size, I don’t really need any automated workout series because I am doing the workout but please give me suggestions.
Also some pre-workout fields for energy are good as well.


I start working out as 17 yo and just used old extreme muscle growth once or twice after workout. I used it for like 2-3 months and i don’t know if it was noobie gainz or what, but i gained alot of lean muscle mass…


Super human mutant twice every 12 hours. After workout recovery about 5-6 times (more if you like) after every workout.
You’ll have more endurance for longer and harder workouts, which translates to more micro tears, which translates to more gains following a proper recovery protocol (sleep, food, time) with AWR & SHM which will help you recover at a much faster rate.
Myostatin x3 a month from patreon will also help you gain more muscle.


Yea thats good stack. Honestly its best to keep it short, simple and effective. I see people here using 30+ fields and im thinking how? Thats like half of day just listening to fields.

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What about the forbidden body album, you think I should get into the SARM fields and replace super human mutant with cardarine

Honestly im not expert on this hormones…
Maybe better to ask @PatronSaintBiceps or @uial
I just tell you from personal experience that at this age you don’t even need any fields, your body is at optimal hormone level. Just workout regular. Also what is your goal stamina, strenght or aestetics?

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Aesthetics, should I just stay with extreme muscle growth mystonin?

This is good.
Cardarine at your age would be fine too, methinks.

It’s not technically a SARM so it’s not messing with your hormones…


So I should use cardarine, and extreme muscle growth, I will workout my self and not touch my hormones.

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Sounds good!


Just be consistent with that playlist. You can also add after workout muscle recovery its underrated but realy helpful. Altrough you will recovery pretty fast on your own but still little boost don’t hurt :smiley:


Yeah I got it, I am getting really good results as of lately ever since I added stress relief field


I thought extreme muscle involved hormones ?

It does but it should be minor, I actually switched. Cardarine gives me a huge pre-workout boost. I did try the SARMs audios for a few days but I got a complete headache after playing Stenabolic after YK11, I am still a teen so I will stay away from those. Rn iM using upper body workout and Extreme muscle growth


how’s cardarine going

stamina is insane, burned alot of fat. Went from 18% to 12-14% in a few days


gain muscle too?

Not that I know of but hgh made me huge

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Or look huge

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how many times a day bro and did you also notice height with high