Reconnecting to the Creative Spirit [CLOSED]

so huge that I’m ready to leave and go out there to do my part.

if possible we’re looking at 10k copies. (to start)


I’m unfamiliar with the name / label “Creative Spirit” mind elaborating?

isn’t about Deities or something outside of you.

Maybe something much better

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It’s hard to really explain,

“The language to life?”

First, it’s not about calling them Laws, “Laws” of creation. “Laws” of life completely misses the point. Because if you see it as some sort of rule and regulation that you have to adhere to, that immediately means you’re disconnected from creation itself.

You need to understand what is going on, and how to get a better fix on the nature of the structural reality that you’re in. Ultimately, you are going to have to seek the creator.

If you don’t seek the creator, then you’re just artificial intelligence. And you’re … You’re a tumor. You’re part of cancer (this isn’t to be taken as I’m better than you…)

Please, for now, keep your ego tamed.

When it’s said that the ego is the problem, what is meant by that is believing that you are your ego. Believing that you are your ego means that you have allowed society to tell you what you are in a prison system, and that’s wrong. Your objective is for you to tell society, yourself what you are. Regardless of its input, that is what honesty is. Where you express yourself, how you truly feel, what you know, regardless of your reality, you are not where you are, you are not what you experience. You are the EXPERIENCER.


What you need to understand is that being in contact with the “creator” or “creative spirit” doesn’t mean your lifestyle has to change. “shouldn’t your accent change ?” “shouldn’t you not swear anymore” “shouldn’t you stop being materialistic.”

Listen, When you’re dealing with the creator, it takes what you have within your brain, consciousness, personality, and experience and assembles it from that for expression.

You should understand, Individuality is a gift from life, from ‘creation.’

That’s why there’s a huge attempt to get rid of individuality. If you connect to the creator, you’re not suddenly going to become Dream, Sammy, Maoshan or anyone from the forum… that’s not the goal. What is the point of that? You only enhance your individuality when you come Into communication with the creator.

You copy less and less and less, and you just become.


When you are connected to the creative force, you just get information infused into your being. From there, you are directed to deduct conclusions based on your experiences and understanding. You see, trying to memorize some theory or a piece of information you get from a textbook, you miss the point…

Education is purely to separate you from what you are. It’s. How it’s set up.

As a child is growing. You can have the child have a really good understanding of what the universe is by age 4-6, and so the next phase has to occur, which is that which gets you to see for yourself.

The problem is that you’ve been lied to about God, and you don’t understand that yet.

Basics of Reality

Telling somebody that reality is an illusion is not going to do much. But create more confusion and disconnection.

Since everything is that way, there is no such thing as an illusion. Therefore, it cancels itself out.

All of the cells in your body are consciously aware…

Would you really want them to sit there and be aware of just sitting there and be a structural pattern for you just to metabolize for you and be enslaved by you? To make you up knowing they are consciously aware, or would you want them to be able to Dream a holographic reality that seems real, so they can all interact with each other on a level that Doesn’t really affect you, and you are happy that they could…

What would you want? Your cells to be your slaves, or do you want them to feel alive, to experience life and express do things, interact with each other and have individual identities, etc…

. . holographic reality that seems real, so they can all interact with each other on a level that Doesn’t really affect you, and you are happy that they could.

We got to break it down, and it’s important we understand this on a conscious level and keep coming back to this point as it’s the fundamentals to everything, whenever lost think of this.

first, What is an ATOM:

In an atom, you have the energy in the center it is a certain amount of “mass”. Its existence is a combination of other energies and their interference with each other. Then you have, this other type of energy they give it a positive charge. They give the nucleus positive charge, and the electron cloud a negative charge. The electron cloud is the type of energy that the atom’s nucleus, the proton, always wants to find itself inside. Because the protons are what you would call a positive or outward energy.

Or symbolically “male” energy. And it seeks to be inside the “female” energy. Which will surround and absorb.

the electron cloud, that energy is a more dynamic complex, dimensional type of energy. And it is not particles that are flying around the nucleus, it is a fluid consciousness energy.

“what’s an electron?” “electrons beaming off”. Well, all that means is that a certain amount of energy is allocated out And it assumes the most efficient use of space which is… a sphere. But when it comes back into an electron cloud it delocalizes itself and becomes like a drop falling into the ocean.

What’s “Phase”: alternating of two forces that cancel out their effect.

“compression” and “rarefaction” when you’re dealing with sound. “Rarefying” means creating a void “Compression” - compressing it together.

or 180 degrees out of phase, it’s going to cancel out its effect

Phase canceling…

The same thing occurs with the electron consciousness it is vibratory.

Frequency: A number of times something does something per unit of measurement of time.

In the consciousness of the electron As one part is vibrating, the other one will couple to it, part of that consciousness, the same frequency but 180 degrees(Phase cancelling)

Therefore making it and rendering it neutral. This is why they tell you that an atom is 99.9% empty space. It is not… the energy is there it just phase canceling itself out, meaning there are no wavelengths of that consciousness for you to read. But it has gone nowhere.

So how does consciousness manifest then? Switching the phase to double

the amplitude in a moment … materialization … and then switching back to phase cancel, it can pop out anywhere. it can pop out anywhere at any given time by shifting phase and interacting and it doesn’t have to shift to exactly the same, it can be 45 degrees out of phase, it can just create the amount of amplitude it needs to create an interference pattern

Between the two energies within it.

If you have half of this consciousness that takes on one characteristic regardless of how many different variances you have of it they all match the other variances in the electron consciousness and as it relates to the nucleus. Half of that consciousness, the awareness to make decisions and change what it is to interact with the other part of itself, the other part of the electron is to interact. Half of an atom’s consciousness is there for it to perceive itself as “I the atom”. The other half, is used for something else…

When atoms bond to each other, and what a covalent bond is, is the coupling of the complementary energies within an electron cloud that take on different dimensions

and different… characteristics.

The other ones take on different dimensional traits… say you have a group of atoms that come together to formulate a molecule. Part of them involved with bonding are used, because they’re conscious. They… complement each other and interfere with each other to create what’s called a “scalar jump”. and that other half of the atom’s energy is used by the molecule to see itself as “I”, “the molecule”.

While each atom still has half of its own consciousness to see itself as “I” the atom.

It is both “I” and “We”, it is a group of atoms that still see themselves as “I”, but part of something, and know it, but maintain their individuality. And then you have, a molecule that sees itself as “I”, utilizing… the atoms… it’s a different scale of existence.

Then molecules can come together to formulate a tissue because they’re conscious. Half… of the consciousness of the molecule is used to see itself as “I the molecule” the tissue uses the other half, every molecule in the tissue itself, half of its consciousness is used by that tissue to perceive itself as “I the tissue”.

So all the molecules see themselves as “I the molecule’s”, understand that they are “WE the molecules” being used, willingly of course, by the tissue, because they still have their own individuality. And the atoms within the molecules still perceive themselves as "I the atom’s, but also “WE the atoms” that are being used by the molecule to see itself as “I the molecule”. They haven’t lost any of their individuality, because only half IS the individuality that would be that way whether they are connected or not.

Well, you can go up from tissues to, say structures, like organs… same thing, you have a field of energy, you can’t perceive around it…

Half of the consciousness around the organ, the field around it, sees itself as “I the organ”, utilizing everything below at the same way… another scalar jump

Every time you go from atom

to molecule it’s a jump in scale go from molecules to tissue, it’s a jump in scale tissue to organ - jump in scale well the next… stop is “I the body”

You are using half of the consciousness of all the main components of your body which are using half of the consciousness of all the things that make them up… and down and down and down… You are using half of the consciousness of your body to see yourself as “I”.

You don’t call yourself “We”? “we the atoms”, “we the organs”… you say “I Luke”, right? Do you call yourself “We”? But you are a “we” and “I”.

That consciousness, innervates your body through different scales as well. because you have different scales of consciousness. You have… the scale of your body which, you know, innervates your body through large chakras but if you go a scale down, you have other types of consciousness that go through

Points of energy through organs. Then cells, right through the DNA. DNA in your cells are not the stopping point of DNA. You are part of DNA on a larger level… Think about it say we’re at a level of the “body/you” what do you think the next jump up is? Your specific race of “person”. So, it doesn’t matter what race you are… This is why certain species have “the same frequency”, just like organs will have the same frequency.

So you go up to your race and you have a consciousness that says “I this race”, utilizing half of each person involved in that race, half of their consciousness, to do so. Then you go up from there you have the human race, all the races combined. And half of the consciousness of all the races, are used by the human race to see itself as “I the human race” while each race has its own identity, and each person in the race has their own identity, and each organ within that person Has its own identity, and down and down and down. you go up from there, and you have Earth with all the life forms on earth, Half… of the consciousness of all the life forms on earth are used by the earth to see itself as… “I” the earth.

when you go up from there you have a solar system, the sun would be like a proton, and there is dark energy
around the sun you can’t see, why? because your eyes are part of the center energy It’s the part that’s inside. So it’s, it’s interacting with the wavelengths of energy that correlate to that protons.


The liver is the most alive organ in the body, the brain is the most dead. The liver can regenerate. Your consciousness is not so much confined to the brain… only for your five senses, and that input and other things, thinking, and what not, but… your thoughts occur throughout your entire body, and around your body, more specifically.


Cancer is an insane energy, but it’s not its fault.

It is separate from this all system… this scalar reality of existence. and, it doesn’t understand that as it grows, it’s going to destroy its own ability to live. So there’s only one conclusion you can make… and that’s absolute FEAR. A disconnection somehow, from the love, the consciousness, the understanding, the knowing… of why it exists, the beauty of its existence and everything. And the consciousness alters the DNA of the cell because it feels isolated, alone, and separate.

If you damage a cell, and it’s trying to resist death… imagine the fear of how it’s played out if a cell is dreaming where it’s damaged by something. and it gets so damaged, that it’s traumatized, the consciousness is going like crazy, trying to repair it, and then, it creates a resonance… Because of fear,

It’s so traumatized, that it can’t remember anymore… it doesn’t believe in the system, “How can this be happening?” And it’s defense with fears that tries to take control anger… aggression… Suddenly, the consciousness is played out between cells,
“hey no, you’re part of us”
“no I’m not!”
“I don’t trust you - any of you.”

It becomes immortal, creates that gene, and starts to use more abilities than it should in relation to other cells.

Starts to hurt them. And the consciousness grows in scalar relation, and this starts at the atomic level. The next thing you know, it’s tissue that it’s focused on rather than the cell. and tries to take over the tissue, it doesn’t care about the tissue, that’s why you have a legion. It’s a war, it’s killing other cells, otherwise, you wouldn’t have a legion or ulceration.

And then the consciousness goes after other cells, try to make them cancerous to grow in the body. And it would have to seduce the cell to leave the system it’s already part of. by traumatizing it, seducing it…
“look what I can do”, look I’ll scare you"
“look I could kill you right now but look, do you want what I can do?”

And the cell has no idea the cancer just wants to take it over so it can make another scalar jump so it can use it to see itself as “I”, and that is it.

That’s what cancer is. The body tries to attack it, because it recognizes that it’s a foreign… resonance now. It just becomes an internal battle. But when you correlate what happens with cancer, people could spontaneously heal,
though they call it spontaneous remission.

there are very different people, that have done these different procedures that have avoided chemotherapy and radiation treatment, which is just another war. And these people that have healed themselves from cancer all report, it didn’t matter what their procedure was, they all report having this experience of infinity and understanding of and understanding of the scalar reality. They try to express it to people the best way they can

"I just knew I was part of a whole loving system, a perfect system.
And that, the whole body, attached to that. And that, was used to convince the energy animating the cancer cells, that “Hey!, you are part of me I love you man, there’s nothing wrong,
there’s nothing to be scared of I’m sorry this happened,
it was nobody’s fault. come back.”

Finally what happened is that energy made that leap of faith within your body, came back to you, everything was fine, the cancerous cells are shed, And when this spontaneous remission thing happens, it happens… it can happen in 24 to 48 hours, it’s like snowballs melting, on a stove, tumors, just go… No chemicals can do that, no medicine, no chemotherapy, no radiation treatment no immune system. This is something different, and cancer is something different. It’s separation. When the cancer recruits other cells, well how does it do it? Ultimately, it uses all the tactics to scare it, intimidate it, seduce it, entice it…

What ultimately happens when it becomes a cancer cells is what? Remember,
each cell has its own consciousness, and part of that consciousness
sees itself as “I”, and the other part is utilized by you,
to see yourself as “I”. or the organ, to see itself as “I”,
that type of deal.

Cancer disconnects it from that, and plugs into it. So, it still has its own individuality, but the other part of it is used by the cancer consciousness to see itself as “I”. it unplugs you from the cell, from you, and plugs into the cell, to see itself as “I”. And what’s a tumor is.


Interesting morning read :coffee:

As am I interested to learn more


Interested :))

Seems great, I’m interested


starting the group.


I’m interested

Already (kind of) on this path. Would love to progress a little bit further, thank you.

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If room for more count me in

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Yo this was a nice read. Definitely interested!

Bro what do you mean by this

to have the correct illusion of an end goal.

How to join?

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Hi, Coconut!
welcome kitty forum


if you express yourself with the proper means, you will have the correct illusion of an end goal. Do you understand? If you focus on the end, your means will get screwed up. If you focus on the means, meaning have Faith.




@SammyG Please close this,

NFT released.