Reduced Aorta after a transplant

Hey folks,
Would love some help & advice :)

My father had an aorta transplant several years ago within the lower back area, and since then he has not been able to practice physical activities involving the lower body, as even for walks, it becomes quickly depleted.

His level of energy changed drastically as well, completely changing his lifestyle in the process.

We recently found out through a MRI scan that this is because they’ve transplanted a child aorta, instead of an adult one (7cm vs 20cm), hence the legs not being fed properly.

Not much to do about it now and even if the doctor did not mention it at the time, they did what they could with what they had to save his life.

I have been thinking about potential solutions, one of them being individual energy healing to change over time his aorta morphic field.

In the meantime I was wondering if you guys would have some idea among the Sapien Med channel?
I thought about Nitric Oxide or Plasma Protocol, but it feels like wasting his time and creating further disappointments.

Also if you have idea of holistic medicine that’d help, feel free :)
He is already receiving acupressure and massages now and then, this helps.

Thanks for your time & read,


What about the hear restauration v2.0?


Hi @anon32464289,

My best wishes to your father :pray:t2: I hope we’ll have specialist advice in this thread. For the moment, there are a few fields coming to my mind in addition to Unbreakable’s suggestion. Some of them are “indirect”, related to strengthening connectivity, etc.

Uial’s input about Joint Regeneration:

A few others:

  • Smart Stem Cells
  • Amniotic Membrane Healing Pod
  • Spinal Tapper
  • Blueprint of Life

Unfortunately not applying in this case, as this is the lower part of the aorta (in the back) that has been replaced. Thanks for the feedback :pray::heart:

Thanks Brony. Many useful tips, as usual :smiley:

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It’s a pleasure Boris :) After reading again some information, I was wondering if moderate doses of Platelet Rich Plasma Bath would be helpful as well (?), since it has restorative properties.


Smart :+1::+1:

Actually after reflecting more on it, I have felt that imposing him morphic fields may not resonate due to subconscious resistance and adding more things to his routine, leading to disappointments.

Perhaps the priority is to level up myself, and do healing when this is time.

This :point_up_2:

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So true… The state of the receiver comes first. I know that in my case, if someone promised me healing through Sapien Medicine a few years ago, I honestly would have put the person out from my door…

I really like your never-ending self-improvement mindset :)

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hey neighbor the collagen field is only for type one and two, the blood vessels are type three collagen, I was looking to reduce ciggarete damage to vessels too. It’s a good field Idea though it will go well with varicose vein audio


Kalispera my dear neighbor :* Thanks for this information :blossom:


hehehe kalispera to you too